Place Value | Value of a Digit | Compare Place Values | One Value, Different Names | Rounding |
What place value is the 5 in? 75,820
What is the value of the digit 7 in the number 13,792?
X 10
How many times greater is the digit 5 in the hundreds place than tens place? 64,550
3 hundreds
30 tens 300 ones
Give three names for the digit 3 in the number 574,341
What is 1,287 rounded to the nearest hundred?
What digit is in the ten thousands place? 74,028
What is the value of the digit 3 in the number 39,284?
X 100
How many times greater is the digit 3 in the ten thousands place than the hundreds place? 430,389
5 tens
50 ones
Give two names for the digit 5 in the number 132,858
What is 67,906 rounded to the nearest thousand?
Hundred thousand
What place value is the 9 in? 932,724
What is the value of the digit 4 in the number 54,902
X 10,000
How many times greater is the digit 9 in the hundred thousands place than tens place? 943,096
7 thousands
70 hundreds 700 tens 7,000 ones
Give four names for the digit 7 in the number 47,084
What is 455,321 rounded to the nearest ten thousand?
What digit is in the tens place? 39,941
What is the value of the digit 1 in the number 153,984?
X 100
How many times greater is a digit in the thousands place than the tens place?
3,600 ones
360 tens 36 hundreds
Give three ways to make 3,600
What is 7,123,732 rounded to the nearest hundred thousand?
What place value is the 8 in? 947,821
What is the value of the digit 5 in the number 24,588?
X 1,000
How many times greater is a digit in the ten thousands place than in the tens place?
73,000 ones
7,300 tens 730 hundreds 73 thousands
Give four ways to make 73,000
What is 3,456,789 rounded to the nearest ten?