Who Said that? | What Year was it? | Pagan Days | Fruitage of the Spirit |
Who is Br. Frey?
Sometimes we need to get out of our comfort zone!
What is 1914 C.E.?
God's Kingdom began ruling from heaven
What is Christmas?
It celebrates the birth of the Sun God
What is Patience?
It was called being long suffering
Who is Abraham?
God himself will provide the sheep for the burnt offering, my son.
What is 607 B.C.E.?
Jerusalem was destroyed and the Jews were taken captive to Babylon
What is Easter?
It celebrates the passage from death of winter to the life of springtime.
What is Love?
The greatest of the 7
Who is Jesus?
Hush! Be Quiet!
What is 29 C.E.?
Jesus was baptized and anointed as the Messiah
What is Hanukkah?
It celebrates the Dedication of the Temple
What is Joy?
It is the funniest one to have
Who is Jehovah?
By myself I do swear because ...you have done this all nations of the Earth will obtain a blessing.
What is 1943 B.C.E.?
The Abrahamic Covenant went into effect
What is New Year's day?
It started with wish to the Moon-god in Babylon
What is Peace?
We must have this with God, ourselves and other humans
Who is Enoch?
Jehovah Came with his holy myriads to execute judgement against all
What is 1925 C.E.?
The Year the Bible Students stopped celebrating Christmas
What is All Soul's Day or Halloween?
It mourns the dead that were killed in the flood of Noah's Day
What is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control?
The 9 fruitage of the spirit