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Who is Abel??
Faithful man that died at approximately 100 years of age.
Who is Noah?
The best businessman in the Bible.
Who is the "Faithful Slave"?
The Governing Body
What is the new mid-week meeting?
Our Christian Life and Ministry
What is Seven?
The number of Elders
Who is Noah?
At the young age of 500, he became a father
Who is Satan?
The most constipated person in the bible.
What is the year the Kingdom began reigning?
What are the new categories on our Service Report?
Placements and Video Showings
What is Eleven?
The number of pioneers
Who is Abraham?
He was a contemporary of Shem
Who is Pharaoh's Daughter?
The first businesswoman in the Bible
What is "this generation that will not pass away"?
The Anointed that are counterparts of Br. Franz
What is the first book available in the new study bible?
The book of Matthew
What is 106?
The number of publishers
Who is Oprah?
She listened and returned to her family
Who is Nebuchadnezzar?
The first drug addict in the Bible
What is the 2nd Century C.E.?
The Modern Day Babylonian Exile began in this time period.
What is Highlighting?
The new feature that was added to JW Library in November
What is 1985?
The year the hall was built
Who is Melchezedek?
The possible secret identity of Shem.
Who is Samson?
The greatest comedian in the Bible.
Who is Gog of Magog?
A coalition of Nations that will attempt to annihilate God's People.
What is The Weekend Meeting?
The name of our Sunday Meeting
What is Five??
The number of Field Serice Groups