Colors | Subjects in Art | Artists | Potpourri | Symbolism |
What is Primary colors
red, yellow, blue
What is Still Life
The subject of this art is Objects at rest.
What is Picasso
This very famous artist had a "Blue Period" where he painted in only cool colors to express his sadness.
What is the Camera
This invention changed the art world, specifically making it unnecessary to paint realistically.
What is "time is short" and to be a good person in life.
Memento Mori is grim still life was supposed to remind the viewer that,
What are secondary colors
purple, orange, green
What is self-portrait
If i make art about myself, it's called...?
What is Faith Ringggold
This artist was a leader in women's rights and created "story quilts"
What is Rich or Powerful
A long time ago, only these types of people could have their portraits made because they were expensive.
What is discarded objects
Nick Cave's Soundsuits made noise when worn and symbolized protest because they were made entirely of this.
What is cool
these types of colors heve been known to make you feel relaxed and have low energy.
What is Genre
This is like a portrait of people but they are doing something like a scene in a movie.
What is Vincent Van Gogh
This artist was institutionalized and that was even BEFORE he cut his ear off.
What is Empathy
This is the feeling people have when they identify or feel for someone in a painting because, "they'e been there".
What is metaphors
Artists and writers use this type of deeper symbolism to depict abstract ideas like the human condition, meaning of life, & feelings.
What is
these colors have an identity crisis, they don't know if they want to be primary or secondary
What is Landscape
This type of art was a way to "travel" to different areas of the world.
What is Frida Kahlo
This artist used bold symbolism to express her pain, love of Mexico and husband's infidelity.
What is What is Length x Width
this is the formula for taking the "area" of a room.
What are birds
Frida Kahlo used two different colors of this animal to symbolize good and evil.
What is complementary
These colors are opposite the color wheel
What is Non-Objective or Non-representational
This art doesn't have anything recognizable; just color, line or both
What is Leonardo DaVinci
This artist painted the most popular portrait of all time, the Mona Lisa.
Farther away
In 2D art, objects that are smaller and higher up on the page have the illusion of being...
What is Danger
Bold or contrasting colors on an animal can symbolize this to other animals.