Numbers Of Pi | Fun Facts About Pi |
What is 3.14?
These are the three most known numbers of Pi.
Who is Albert Einstein?
_____ ______ was born on Pi day (3/14/1897).
What is 31?
Zero does not occur in the first _____ numbers of Pi.
What is 42,000?
The Pi memory champion, Hiroyoki Gotu, memorised an amasing ______ digits
What is 9?
It took ______ hours for the Memorized-Digits-of-Pi world record holder to recite 44,000 digits.
What is British?
A _____ crop circle in 1998 depicted a coded image that represented the first 10 digits of pi.
What is 16th?
The _____th letter of the Greek alphapet is Pi, just as the ____th letter of the alphabet is p.
What is Pie?
3.14 backwards spells what?
What is the number 1?
This number occurs the most amount of times in the full number of Pi.
What is 666?
The first 144 digits add up is what?