History | Long-Term Effects | Structural | Main Structures Affected in the Brain | Miscellaneous |
Soldiers from what country used meth during WW2?
Meth causes damage to the neurons in the frontal and pre-frontal cortex which causes ___ issues
Amphetamine and dopamine
What is meth structurally similar to?
Dopamine and serotonin
Causes decreases in what neurotransmitter transporters?
True or false: Some of the effects from meth can resolve over time
Meth was used during the war because it triggers a similar response as ___ in the body?
Encode and recall
Meth causes problems in the memory by making it hard to
Dopamine and norepinephrine
Meth blocks reuptake of what neurotransmitters?
Building myelin and fighting infection
Causes death to glial cells which are important for?
The reward center is part of ___ structure?
General worsening condition, circulatory disorders
Why did German soldiers stop using meth?
Mood swings, aggression, chronic depression
What are 3 of the possible emotional issues chronic meth use causes?
Central Nervous System
What nervous system does meth stimulate?
Meth increases what neurotransmitter?
The neurotoxic effects of meth damage ___, which causes problems in communication among other neurons
When was meth first synthesized?
Motor function and coordination
Meth causes damage to the neurons in the white matter which causes changes in
Longterm exposure causes downregulation of presynaptic and postsynaptic aspects of the ___ system
Cerebellum and striatum
Meth causes damage to which structures that are vital for movement?
The support system in cells
Meth damages ___, which can cause cellular collapse
In what decades did the Controlled Substances Act limit access to meth?
Makes it difficult to suppress impulses
How does meth cause issues with judgement and problem-solving?
Feelings of euphoria, intensified emotions, altered self-esteem, increases in aggression and alter ness
What does stimulating the CNS cause?
Meth causes damage to which structure that is vital for memory?
Oxidative stress and neuroinflammation play a role in what psychiatric problem?