Phonotory System | Cartilages | Intrinsic Muscles | Extrinsic Muscles | Miscellaneous |
What is the larynx
This structure houses the vocal folds
What is the thyroid
This is the largest laryngeal cartilage
What is thyroarytenoid
This is another name for the vocalis muscle
What suprahyoids and infrahyoids
These are extrinsic muscle subgroups
What is the adducted position
The vocal folds are in this position for phonation
What are the vocal folds
The vocalis muscle is the main muscle mass of this structure
What is the epiglottis
This is a flexible elastic cartilage that sits superiorly to the thryoid
What is the posterior cricoarytenoid
This is the only intrinsic, abductor laryngeal muscle
What is laryngeal elevator
This is the primary function of suprahyoids
What is the vibration of the vocal folds
This create the pitch of voice
What is the synovial joint
This type of joint is highly mobile
What are the corniculates
These are elastic conical-shaped cartilages
What are abduction, adduction, tension
These are the 3 main functions of intrinsic laryngeal muscles
What is the sternohyoid
This muscle extends from the chest bone to the "floating bone"
What is Bernoulli's principle
This principle explains the inverse relationship between air pressure and velocity
What is the cricothryoid or cricoarytenoid
This is one joint associated with the larynx
What are the arytenoids
The posterior portion of the vocalis muscles attaches to the vocal processes of these cartilages
What are transverse and oblique
These are the 2 parts of the interarytenoids
What is the geniohyoid
This muscle is deeper than the mylohyoid and runs from the hyoid to the chin
What are the true vocal folds, false (ventricular)folds, and aryepiglottic folds
These are the 3 sets of folds found within the larynx
What is 13-18 mm....males have a range of 17-25 mm
This is the length range of female's vocal folds
What is antero-inferior movement
The cricothyroid joint allows for this movement of the thyroid
What is the cricothryoid
This muscle is a major contributor to increasing vocal fold length and tension
What are CNs V, VII, and XII
These are the 3 cranial nerves involved with innervating the extrinsic laryngeal muscles
What are mass, elasticity, and length
These are 3 physical factors that affect the vibration of the vocals folds