PHI | Medical Errors | Ethics and Boundries | Aging, Elderly and LTC | Mandatory Abuse Reporting |
What is HIPPA
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
What is the definition of medical errors
Result in harm to a patient
What is not an ethical principle
What is a bridge between nursing homes and home care
Assisted living
What is Good Faith
In most states, a person who reports suspected child abuse in, most states, is immune from criminal and civil liability
What is protected health information
any information about health status, provision of health care, or payment for health care that can be connected to a person
What is an omission
Failing to report known or suspected child abuse
What is an ethical dilemma
An action that violates an ethical principal or standard
What is the program that specifically provides temporary relief to an elderly person’s care provider
Respite care
What is a mandated reporter
Professionals who are required to report observed or suspected instances of abuse and neglect of vulnerable individuals
What is a covered entity
Someone or an organization that transmits information about patient care or financial aspects of patient care
What is not a step in a root cause analysis
Who caused it to happen
What is not a factor in competence
What is the condition a patient must satisfy in order to be eligible for hospice care
A life expectancy of 6 months or less
What is a risk factor for child maltreatment
Young age, disabilities, and provocative children
What is 1996
When HIIPA was initially enacted
What is voluntarism, information disclosure, and decisional capacity
The 3 essential elements of informed consent
What is an extreme consequence of boundary violations
Loss of professional identity
What is generally undiagnosed and often goes untreated in the elderly
What is vulnerable populations
Children, the elderly, and disabled people
What is the primary concern of the HIPAA Security Rule
Safeguards to protect health information
What is first legal case that resulted in the duty to warn laws
The Tarasoff Case
What is false
Ethical standards are useful because they are specific and offer guidance relevant to all ethical dilemmas
What is the patient's right to make decisions regarding one's own medical care, with respect to end-of-life care
What is false
Every state has a legal obligation to report elder abuse