, Guess this moon.
, Guess this moon.
, Guess this moon.
, Guess this moon.
Guess that moon | Identify the moon | Vocabulary | Dark side of the Moon | Draw the moon |
What is a Waxing Gibbous.
Guess this moon.
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What is the full moon
You see my whole phase
What is a 3rd Quarter moon.
It looks like half a circle with the left side lit by the sun.
What is 3 quarters on the right.
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Draw a Waxing Crescent Moon on the board shading in the dark side.
What is a New Moon.
Guess this moon.
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What is a waning cresent
I am on the left I am only a sliver
What is the dark side of the moon.
We never see this side of the moon.
What is the left side of the moon.
I am a 1st quarter moon. Where is my dark side.
Draw a 3rd Quarter Moon on the board shading in the dark side.
What is a Waning Gibbous.
Guess this moon.
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What is a new moon
I am new, my favorite game is hide and seek
What is a crescent moon.
Only a sliver of the moon is showing.
What is the side the earth sees.
I am a new moon. Where is my dark side.
Draw a Waxing Gibbous on the board shading in the dark side.
What is a Full moon.
Guess this moon.
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What is a waxing gibbous
Part of me is missing it is on my left side.
What is waxing.
I'm getting bigger each week.
What is the right side of the moon.
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Draw a 1st Quarter Moon on the board shading in the dark side.
What is a Waxing Crescent.
Guess this moon.
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What is a 3rd quarter moon.
You only see half of me but the other half is hiding (The right side is hiding.)
What is a 1st Quarter moon.
It looks like half a circle with the right side lit by the sun.
What is that the dark side looks like a crescent.
I'm a waning gibbous. Where is my dark side.
Draw a Full Moon on the board shading in the dark side.