Who | Collections | Remarketing | Customer Service |
Who is Jillian Albertz?
This person is a vet in the company and is known for their famous, delicious dip.
What is 20 days past due?
This is the number of days past due to route a collections call (not making a payment).
What is 30 days?
At this number of days before maturity, calls are transferred to Remarketing.
What is VAI?
This is the acronym used for customer verification.
Who is Brian Yarbrough?
This person was a former field goal kicker in College.
Who is Yvette Soto?
This person loves to wear animal-print.
Who is Farrah Shakil?
This person will handle executive brand remarketing accounts.
What is $500?
This is the total amount of fees to complete a TOE.
Who is Phil Elston?
This person was a former Porsche RSM and has two daughters that keep him busy.
What is total loss?
If a settlement offer is less than the payoff, the account should be placed in this queue.
Who is AutoVIN?
60 days prior to maturity, this company begins to contact customers
What is a POA (power of attorney)?
This document allows customers to register their leased vehicles on behalf of PFS.
Who are Colin Burke and John Young?
These two people enjoy each other’s company so much that they both came to Porsche from Mercedes-Benz.
What is a Cure Notice?
This letter is sent at 30 days past due as a notice of default.
What is 2 months?
These are the maximum number of months PFS can do an extension without an order.
What is 14 days?
This is the maximum number of days a due date can be pushed forward.
Who is Mareva Bone?
This person keeps peanuts and pretzels stocked at their desk.
Who is Vital Recovery?
This is one of 4 third party vendors who handles charged-off accounts.
What is EOTLLP?
When an account has remaining payments and the customer wants to “pull ahead.”
What is $9,000?
This is the maximum payment amount that can be made at one time using Fiserv Biller.