Anesthesia | Sterile Technique | Electrosurgical Safety | Wound Closure | Sterilization |
Bier Block
What is the name of an upper extremity nerve block?
12 inches
How many inches should be between the unscrubbed team member and the sterile field?
As close as possible
Where should the bovie pad be placed in relation to the surgical site?
What skin prep should you use on open wounds?
What is the first step in the sterilization process of surgical instruments?
Which side effect is most common with spinal anesthesia?
Flap closest to you
When opening a sterile package, what is the last flap to be opened?
What current leaves the generator, is applied to tissue on a two-poled instrument, and returns back to the generator?
A Jackson-Pratt drain is an example of what type of drainage system?
30 to 60 minutes
After completion of sterilization, how long does it take for items to cool?
End-Tidal CO2 Increase
What is the most common indication of malignant hyperthermia?
Every 90 to 150 minutes
How often should you change surgical gloves during an invasive procedure?
Rescue, alarm, confine/contain, evacuate
What does RACE stand for?
What phase of wound healing does contraction occur?
When can you not use flash sterilization?
Stage II
Which stage of anesthesia causes involuntary movements?
What skin prep does not contain alcohol?
What is a potential source of fuel for surgical fires on the sterile field?
Wound Class II - Clean Contaminated
A procedure involving mucous membranes is what wound class?
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease
What disease process concerns you about the reprocessing method for instruments?
After the cuff is inflated and position confirmed
When should cricoid pressure be released?
6 to 8 inches
How far past the surgical incision site should the prep area be extended?
Capacitive coupling
What is it called when there is a transfer of electrical current from the bovie through intact insulation to other conductive items?
In which type of healing does the wound remain open and allowed to heal on its own without additional surgery?
Ultrasonic cleaners
What removes fine debris through cavitation?