Introduction Section 1 Section 2
True or False: Confession and bring yourself freedom and peace at heart.

Books for confessors in the past that listed sins with corresponding penances.
What are penitentiaries?
Mortal sin- A serious, deadly violation of God's law of
love that destroys sanctifying grace in the soul of the
sinner. Mortal sins involve grave matter, full knowledge
of the evil done, and full consent of the will.

Venial sin- A sin that weakens and wounds your relationship with God but does not destroy grace in your soul.
What is the difference between a mortal and a venial sin?
A person who admits his or her sins, is truly sorry for having sinned, and wishes to be restored to relationship with God and the church.
What is a penitent?
Father Ace will decide if you get the points.
Why do you think absolution is important?
Father Ace will decide if you get the points.
Why do you think we do an examination of conscience?
To apologize on behalf of his dad and give her the 250 dollars.
Why did Christian decide to meet with Mrs. Herndon?
The prayer by which a priest, through the power given to the church by Jesus Christ, pardons a repentant sinner in the sacrament of penance.
What is absolution?
An honest self-assessment of how well you have lived God's covenant of love, leading you to accept responsibility for your sins and to realize your need for God's merciful forgiveness.
What is an examination of conscience?
Penance is a sign of God's willingness to extend this forgiveness as often as you need it, showing a love that is truly a "marvelous reality".
Why do Catholics need the sacrament of penance?
False: The purpose of reconciliation is to help you maintain a loving relationship with God and the Church
True or False: The purpose of reconciliation is to make sure you go to heaven
Heartfelt sorrow for sins committed, along
with the intention of sinning no more. This most important act of penitents is necessary for receiving absolution in the Sacrament of Penance.
What is contrition?
True or False: A world without sin would not need the sacrament of Reconciliation.
They were intended to prevent people from committing crimes.
What was the intention of penitentiary once serve?
1- The moral object must be of grave or serious matter. Grave matter is specified in the Ten Commandments (e.g., do not kill, do not commit adultery, do not steal, etc.]

2- The person must have full knowledge of the gravity of the sinful action.

3- The person must completely consent to the action. It must be a personal choice.
What is one condition for a sin to be a mortal sin?

Penance and Reconciliation

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