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What is boycotting?
This form of consumer activism involves withdrawing commercial or social support from a person, company, or country.
This is the day of the week that the Interfaith Peace prayer was held.
What is 2014?
What is 2015?
What is 2020?
What is 2050?
According to Starbucks, 100% of their coffee will be ethically sourced by this date.
Who is Bill Nye?
Who is Stephen Hawking?
Who is Neil deGrasse Tyson?
Who was Galileo?
In 2013, this well known physicist joined a boycott protesting Israels actions in the west bank.
Where is Montgomery, Alabama?
Where is Baghdad, Iraq?
Where is Flagstaff, Arizona?
This city saw a major boycott of the public transportation system in the 1960s.
Who was Freddy Mercury?
Who was Charles Boycott?
Who is Dr. Restrepo?
Who was Peter Boycott?
This person was the subject of a boycott in 19th century Ireland, and eventually lent his name to the word.
Which political party does Colia Clark belong to?
Green Party
What is Mobil?
What is Exxon?
What is Chevron?
This major oil company divested from South Africa during Apartheid.
What is Sri Lanka?
What is Bangladesh?
What is Pakistan?
What is Nepal?
In Jan 2014, an election boycott happened in this country in South Asia as a protest to political violence.
What is Racism (or Segregation)?
MLK and Rosa Parks initiated boycotts to protest this injustice.
What is positive peace?
What is neutral peace?
What is negative peace?
More than just the absence of violence, it also involves active cooperation and negotiation.
Who is Che Guevara?
Who is Martin Luther King. Jr?
Who is Stokely Carmichael?
A prominent leader early on for the black power movement.
What is Toms?
What is Reebok?
What is K-Swiss?
What is Sperry?
This shoe company has a one for one donation policy, benefiting El Salvador, Haiti, Malawi, Peru, the United States
What is Gerber?
What is Enfamil?
What is Similac?
What is Nestle?
This company has been subject to a boycott because of it’s promotion of baby formula since 1977.
What are Toyota and Lexus?
What are Ford and GM?
What are Chrysler and Dodge?
These american car companies disinvested from South Africa because of the public relations liability.
What is vegetarianism?
Which dietary lifestyle boycotts the consumption of meat?
What is Kenya?
What is Guatemala?
What is Zimbabwe?
What is Thailand?
Which of the rolling countries is The Village Experience not involved in?
What is BP?
What is Texaco Chevron?
What is Gazprom?
This oil company is currently under investigation for polluting the Amazon rainforest in Ecuador, which has led to people boycotting their product.
What are the Sochi Paralympic Games?
What are the Commonwealth Games?
What are the Beijing Olympic Games?
The Ukraine crisis has led to an international boycott of Russia. This upcoming event has been affected by that boycott.
What is apartheid?
It’s a system of strictly-enforced racial segregation.
What is fair trade?
The practice of purchasing from smaller, local producers in developing countries, with the aim of improving their quality of life.
What is Vegetable Dying?
This traditional dying practice in India is being repopularized as a way to avoid using chemical dyes
What is PETA?
What is the NSA?
What is the WWF?
The shocking fast-food expose videos, “Kentucky Fried Cruelty” and “McCruelty,” were both produced by this group.
Free “Money”!
Free “Money”!
What are elevators in government buildings?
What are public parks?
What are lunch counters in department stores?
What are Applebees?
Sit ins at these public spaces were organized by nonviolent student protesters.

Peace Week!

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