Strategy | Potpourri | Terminology | Speak Up! |
What is PX Strategy for Success?
PG Enrollment, Awareness and education, Monitoring and Reporting
What are 2022 SWHR network focused contractual priorities?
NGACO/Direct contracting, Humana MA, UHC MA, Cigna, Aetna
What is shared decision making (SDM)?
a collaborative process that allows patients and their providers to make health care decisions together, taking into account the best scientific evidence available, as well as the patient's values and preferences.
What is the Safety Learning System (SLS)? OR What is safety events /event reports?
Used to improve clinical safety, used to identify operational issues in departments, service lines or clinic
What is 2022 PX department goals (growth pillar)?
Enroll 100% of eligible CAP physicians with PX vendor
What makes a great PX?
Care coordination, Provider rating, access to specialists, SDM, Health Functional Status, Getting timely access to care, Health Promotion and Education, Provider Communication, Stewardship of Resources, Courtesy of office staff
What are common frameworks for communication?
What is a just culture?
Promotion of a questioning attitude, supports the discussion of errors so we can learn from them
What is 2022 PX department goals (Quality pillar/performance improvement pillar)?
Engage with 100% of eligible CAP physicians and practice leadership in specific threshold performance groups for target PX domains
What is Voice of the Patient (PFAC)?
Goal of bringing the perspectives of patients and families directly into the planning, delivery and evaluation of care
What are PX Best Practices?
Teach back, Communication tools, communication frameworks, experience mapping,
What is safety culture?
Consist of shared beliefs, practices and attitudes that exist at an organization.
What is increasing PX awareness?
Promoting best practices, incorporating PX materials into CE opportunities, deployment of PX materials via provider Portal
What is empathy?
Putting yourself in someone else's shoes
What are the core concepts of Patient-Family Centered Care (PFCC)?
Respect & Dignity, information sharing, participation, collaboration
What are drivers of human error?
Fatigue, Stress, Lack of situational awareness, interruptions/distractions, reliance on memory
What is performance improvement interventions?
Engaging with practices to provide in-person and customized data review and goal/expectation setting
What is a definition of PX?
The sum of all interactions, shaped by an organization's culture, that influence patient perceptions across the continuum of care.
What is the CAHPS survey focus?
Focus on what patients themselves say are important to them and for which patients are the best and/or only source of information
What is a Clinical Safety Overarching goal?
Drive the volume of files entered into the safety learning system (SLS), maximize functionality of the SLS platform