When Passover is Commemorated | Historical and Religious Significance | Practices (General) | Connections to Scripture | Practices (Seder) |
7 days for those in Israel, 8 days for those outside of Israel.
How many days does Passover last?
What book of the Torah outlines the Jewish peoples' freedom from the Egyptians?
What is the name of the unleavened grain product consumed during Passover?
The lamb that is slaughtered.
What is the Passover offering?
How many steps are there for Passover?
At what time of day does Passover start and end?
Redemption, freedom, and celebration of God
What are the themes (3) of Passover?
The bread of affliction
Matzah is also known as ...
The Haggadah
What is the name of the sacred 'guidebook' for Seder?
The larger piece of the Matzah that is broken; often hidden for children to find.
What is the afikomen?
March or April
In what month(s) is Passover celebrated (by our calendar)?
Turning water into blood, frogs, gnats, flies, death of livestock, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, death of firstborns
Name five of the ten plagues.
Study the Torah, pray, set aside last Passover meal
What are three practices done on the last day of Passover?
In which book of the Torah did the Lord tell Moses the rules of Passover?
Four stages of redemption
What do the four cups of wine represent?
15th day of Nisan.
What is the month and day at which Passover starts by the Hebrew calendar?
Over 3000-3500 years old.
According to the video, how old is the celebration of Passover?
1. On all other nights we eat either bread or matzah. Why, on this night, do we eat only matzah? 2. On all other nights we eat herbs of any kind. Why, on this night, do we eat only bitter herbs? 3. On all other nights, we do not dip our herbs even once. Why, on this night, do we dip them twice? 4. On all other nights, we eat either sitting or leaning. Why, on this night, do we eat while leaning?
Name two of the four questions traditionally asked during the Seder meal.
Psalm 114
Which Psalm is specific to the miracles that God performed during Exodus?
Left out for Elijah, a prophet, as a symbol of hope for redemption.
What is the significance of the fifth cup of wine?
April 15-23, 2022
When was Passover celebrated in 2022?
The act of communion (taking the bread and wine) is commemorating Jesus' last supper, which was a Passover Seder meal.
What is the connection between Passover and Christianity?
Avoid activities that are forbidden on Sabbath such as working, driving, using electricity, and spending money.
What is done on the first two and last two days of Passover?
Psalms 113-118; Psalms about giving thanks that are recited at all major Jewish holidays.
What are the Hallel Psalms and when are they recited?
Karpas (vegetables)
Maror (herbs) Charoset (nuts, apples, honey) Zeroah (lamb) Beitzah (egg) Matzah (bread)
Name three of the foods on the Seder plate using their Hebrew names.