Same Names

Names the Same

4 Leggers First and last Numbers Too Much Boob. . .Tube Jacks are Wild
Indian Curry
First: Name for Native Americans in the old days

Last: Warrior Leader
Uniform Number Of Bernard King and Steph Curry
Today Show
Savannah, Al, Natalie (love her) and me (I mean Matt)
Jack and Jill
They went up the hill to fetch a pail of water
What is French Bulldog
Dina Dolittle
First: Middle Drogin Child
Last:He is a doctor who shuns human patients in favour of animals, with whom he can speak in their own languages.
How Many fingers does Spongebob have on one hand
Emma, Luke , Ravi ,Zuri
Jack and Diane
Jon Cougar wrote a little Ditty about two American Kids in the Heartland
What is Portuguese Water Dog
Taylor Swift
First: Person who hems Dresses
Last: Synonym for Fast
What number pesident was Bill Clinton
KC Under Cover
Marisa Ernie and Kira
Jack Sprat
He could eat no fat, His wife could eat no lean.
Spike and Tyke
Ivie League
First:youngest Drogin Kid
Last:Could be a football or a baseball (or . . . One of Their Own)
19, 21, 25
Name all 3 of Adele's Albums
The Voice
Christina, Adam, Blake and Carson
Jack Straw
Grateful Dead's Jack shared the women and the wine
What is Pharoh Dog
Appropriate dog for Passover "so it is written."

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Daddy Kurtzman to friends
Last- Mommy Kurtzman shaves hers
Jenny's Phone Number
Hill Street Blues
Officer Andrew Renko, Joyce Davenport, Sgt. Mick Belker, "Lets be careful out there!
Captain Jack
So you stand on the corner in your New English clothes
And you look so polished from your hair down to your toes
Ah but still your fingers gonna pick your nose
After all
Ivie & Sylvie
Whose two names sitting in this room end in the same 3 letters?

Passover Round 1

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