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'으르렁' was sung by 'EXO'.
Who sang '으르렁'?
'Romeo & Juliet' was written by Shakespeare.
Who wrote 'Romeo & Juliet'?
'Mona Lisa' was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.
Who painted 'Mona Lisa'?
The light bulb was invented by Edison.
Who invented the light bulb?
The law of gravity was discovered by Newton.
Who discovered the law of gravity?
'설국열차' was directed by '봉준호'.
Who directed '설국열차'?
'청포도' was written by 이육사.
Who wrote the poem, '청포도'?
'Sunflower' was painted by Van Gogh.
Who painted 'Sunflower'?
The telephone was invented by Bell.
Who invented the telephone?
E=MC2 was discovered by Einstein.
Who discovered E=MC2?
'Poker Face' was sung by 'Lady Gaga'.
Who sang 'Poker Face'?
'홍길동전' was written by 허균.
Who wrote '홍길동전'?
'The Scream' was painted by Munsch.
Who painted 'The Scream'?
The flying machine was invented by Wright Brothers.
Who invented the flying machine?
The moons of Jupiter were discovered by Galileo.
Who discovered the moons of Jupiter?
'Magic Flute' was composed by 'Mozart'
Who composed 'Magic Flute'?
'Harry Potter' was written by Joanne Rowling.
Who wrote 'Harry Potter'?
'Guernica' was painted by Picasso.
Who painted 'Guernica'?
한글 was created by King 세종.
Who created 한글?
Radioactivity was discovered by Currie.
Who discovered radioactivity?
'The Lord of the Rings' was filmed in New Zealand.
Where was 'The Lord of the Rings' filmed?
'Charlie and the Chocoate Factory' was written by Roald Dahl.
Who wrote 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'?
'The Kiss' was painted by Gustav Klimt.
Who painted 'The Kiss'?
Coca Cola was invented by Dr. John Pemberton.
Who invented Coca Cola?
America was discovered by Columbus.
Who discovered 'America'?