Movies | Writers | Painters | Inventions | Discoveries |
"Pulp Fiction" was directed by Quentin Tarantino
Who directed "Pulp Fiction"?
"Hamlet" was written by Shakespeare
Who wrote "Hamlet"?
"Mona Lisa" was painted by Leonardo da Vinci
Who painted the "Mona Lisa"?
The light bulb was invented by Edison
Who invented the light bulb?
The law of gravity was discovered by Newton
Who discovered the law of gravity?
"Life is Beautiful" was produced in Italy
Where was "Life is Beautiful" produced?
"Moby Dick " was written by Melville
Who wrote "Moby Dick"?
"Starry Nights" was painted by Van Gogh
Who painted "Starry Nights"?
The flying machine was invented by the Wright Brothers
Who invented the flying machine?
E= mc2 was discovered by Einstein
Who discovered E= mc2?
"The Lord of the Rings" was filmed in New Zealand
Where was "The Lord of the Rings" filmed?
"Crime and Punishment" was written by Dostoyevsky
Who wrote "Crime and Punishment"?
"Guernica" was painted by Picasso
Who painted "Guernica"?
The telephone was invented by Bell
Who invented the telephone?
The moons of Jupiter were discovered by Galileo
Who discovered the moons of Jupiter?
"2001: A Space Odyssey" was directed by Stanley Kubrik
Who directed "2001: A Space Odyssey"?
"Frankenstein" was written by Mary Shelly
Who wrote "Frankenstein"?
"The Scream" was painted by Munsch
Who painted "The Scream"?
The radio was invented by Marconi
Who invented the radio?
Radioactivity was discovered by Marie and Pierre Curie
Who discovered radioactivity?
The role of Big Lebowski was played by Jeff Bridge
Who played the role of Big Lebowski?
"The Godfather" was written by Mario Puzo
Who wrote "The Godfather"?
" American Gothic" was painted by Grant Wood
Who painted " American Gothic"?
The first computer was invented in 1801
When was the first computer invented?
Penicillin was discovered in 1928
When was penicillin discovered?