Basics 1 | Basics 2 | Basics 3 | basics 4 |
How do you make a motion?
I move
Who is leads senate meetings?
Tera Stines
What is postpone definitely?
Allow for the motion on the floor to be deferred to a different day, meeting, or until after a certain event.
What must you do before speaking?
Raise your plaque
What states are in the SWACURH region ?
Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mexico, Oklahoma
What is amend?
Use to modify or change a main motion.
What is parliamentary procedure?
Correct rules for conducting a meeting.
What is the main motion?
Introduces new business to a meeting.
What is postpone indefinitely?
To kill a main motion.
What is one of the goals of parliamentary procedure?
Extend courtesy to everyone. Focus on one thing at a time. Observes the rule of the majority. Ensures the rights of the minority. Make Meetings Run Efficiently.
What is tabling?
Defer action to later on in the meeting. Not debatable not ammendable.
What is Adjourn?
To end the meeting.
What is quorum?
1/2 members of the senate.
What is call to question?
To end discussion and vote.
What is the National Association of College and University Residence Halls?