Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5 |
He is justifying the ways of God to men.
What does Milton say he is justifying by writing this Poem?
Who advocates for war against heaven after the first failed attempt?
A Kingly gate that guards Heaven
What does Satan see in the sky when he arrives at Earth?
A (prowling) wolf
When Satan jumps in to paradise, what does Milton compare him to?
He disappeares
Before Eve has a chance to eat from the forbidden tree too, what happens to the Fallen Angel(Satan)?
Who is Satan's second in command?
Who advocates to do nothing against heaven, but to build an industrious Hell?
The golden sun
What is Satan drawn to when he comes to Earth?
Who witnesses Satan's conflicting expressions(when his face changes three times)?
Tell Adam and Eve of the danger in store for them
God instructs Raphael to do what?
Where do Satan and the Fallen Angels meet at the end of Book 1?
Sin and Death
Who does satan find at the gates of Hell?
He addresses it as holy light and asks that it will illumine him so the he can write divine knowledge
How does Milton address the muse in this book and what does he ask of it?
Two angels find Satan and he is disguised as a toad
How many Angels find Satan that night, and what animal is he disguised as?
What did Satan feel towards God's son?
Ribs of gold
When Mammon leads a group of angels to open up Earth, they find ribs of what?
Havoc, spoil, and ruin.
What three things does chaos say he will gain if Satan goes to Earth?
Amarant (flower) and gold
What are the angel's crowns in wove with?
A lion and a tiger
What two animals does Satan transform into, while on the ground, to spy on Adam and Eve?
Which direction does Adam say the Angel is coming from?
His size steadily diminishes and he takes many different forms
How does Satan's size/shape change from the meeting in Pandemonium to the end of the book?
So the devils can tempt or punish man
Why is there a bridge form Hell to Earth?
(hint: not to pass back and forth) |
The Paradise of Fools
What does Milton call the future land that has not yet been corrupted by Satan?
Ire(anger), envy, and despair
Satan's face changed three times while he was talking, what adjectives did Milton use to describe the three different changes?
Great Lucifer
What is Satan's royal seat upon? The palace of _____ _______