John XXIII (1958-1963) | Paul VI (1963-1978) | John Paul II (1978-2005) | Benedict XVI (2005-2013) | Francis I (2013- ) |
What is Italy
Pope John XXIII was born in this European country famous for pasta
What is Italy
Pope Paul VI was born in this “boot-shaped” southern European country
Who is Pope John Paul
Pope John Paul II took his name in honour of a pope who served the Church as pope for only 33 days before he died in 1978. What was that pope’s name?
What is Germany
Pope Benedict XVI was born in this European country, famous for tasty schnitzel
What is False
Pope Francis is the 265th Pope in the history of the Catholic Church
What is True
Both Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II are Catholic Saints as of April 27th, 2014
Who is Saint Paul
Pope Paul VI wanted to share the Catholic Faith with the world like this important saint did not long after Jesus’ resurrection.
What is False
The healing of a French nun from Parkinson’s disease, after she asked Pope John Paul II to pray for her (after he had died), is one of the miracles that led to declaring JPII a saint
What is True
The motto for Pope Benedict XVI was “cooperators of the truth”
What is Psychology
Before he entered the seminary to study to be a priest, Pope Francis enjoyed this school subject that people study to become doctors
What is the Good Pope
Pope John XXIII is also known by this nickname which suggests how good he was
Who is President Kenedy
Pope Paul VI was pope when this popular Catholic president of the U.S.A. was assassinated in the 1960s
What is Wold Youth Day
Pope John Paul II came to Toronto in 2002 for this important event for young people
What is a professor
Pope Benedict XVI was viewed by many as an “academic” Pope, probably due to his previous work as a...
What is a prison
On Holy Thursday of 2013, Pope Francis washed the feet of others, not in a church, but in this unexpected place
What is the Second Vatican Council
Pope John XXIII was best known for calling this important church council of Catholic bishops
Who is Pope John Paul II
Paul VI was ordained a priest in 1920, the same year that this popular Polish Pope was born
What is Three
Daily Double: As the pope, John Paul II visited Canada this many times in his lifetime - an important number in Catholic theology
What is Dean of the College of Cardinals
Before becoming Pope, Benedict XVI was the “dean” or “head” of the College of...
Who is Pope John Paul II
This former Pope made Pope Francis a Cardinal in 2001
What is seventy six
Pope John XXIII was this many years old when he was elected Pope – a year older than many priests are when they apply to retire
Who is Jesus Christ
Pope Paul VI died in 1978 on a Catholic feast day which recalls the supernatural transfiguration (on a mountain) of this important person in the Bible
What is One Hundred and Twenty Nine
Pope John Paul II visited this many countries, more than any other Pope
What is The Prada Pope
Daily Double: Pope Benedict XVI has also been called by this nickname
Who is Saint Francis of Assisi
Pope Francis chose to name himself after this influential saint who lived more than 500 years ago