Neuroscience Education | Pain 1 | Anatomy | Pain 2 / Neuroscience Education 2 | Random |
Neurophysiology of pain, no reference to anatomic or pathoanatomic models, no discussion of emotional or behavioral aspects of pain, peripheral sensitization, central sensitization, nociception and nociceptive pathways,
Neuroscience education consists of educational sessions that include what? (list some things)
True or False Pain is a motivating force that guides treatment-seeking behaviors in patients.
The sensory process that provides the signals that trigger pain.
What is nociception and what are nociceptors?
True or False: Other factors that are said to modulate pain include, inflammation, tissue temperature, anxiety, patient expectation, and blood flow?
Increase patient fears, cause anxiety and stress, and negatively affect patient outcomes.
Biomechanical models for addressing pain are shown to do what for a patient?
An educational session or sessions that describe the neurobiology and neurophysiology of pain, and pain processing by the nervous system.
What is neuroscience education?
Altered Sensory processing in the brain, increased activity of brain facilitory pathways. Constant firing of nociceptors -->hypersensitivity
What is central sensitization? (Wind up)
Anterior Lateral System
What "System" in the brain is pain perceived by?
Anxiety, expectation, previous experience, social/work environment, beliefs, knowledge, cultural factors, fear.
How dangerous a certain stimulus is to a patient depends on what factors?
Acute pain- the normal response to adverse chemical, thermal or mechanical stimulus associated with trauma, surgery, and acute illness.
Chronic Pain -pain that exists for months or longer, generally known to last greater than 6 months.
What are the differences between Acute and Chronic Pain?
How the nervous system has the ability to modulate the pain experience.
What does neuroscience education aim to describe?
Attitudes/beliefs, Social environment, the persons interpretation of their environment, pain is constantly influenced by sympathetic nervous system input.
Name some of the factors that influence a pain experience in patients.
Inflammatory, Neuropathic, Somatic, Visceral, Neuralgia, constant,
What are the different categories of pain? (not acute/chronic)
True or false: The nervous system changes when nociception and pain persist?
Spinalthalamic tract (anterior lateral system)
What spinal tract in the brain is responsible for a painful experience and is associated with also feeling light touch and temperature?
Pain is ALWAYS a TRUE representation of the status of ones tissues True or False?
Symptoms often are in multiple areas either related or unrelated., can potentially be on the opposite side of the body, inconsistent provocation of pain, extreme pain with all movements without restriction in range of motion.
What are some of the classic signs and symptoms of central sensitization?
Skin, bone, muscles, Dura, organs
Name the locations where Nociceptors found in the body.
Examples, metaphors, hand drawings, readings/questions questionnaires.
Name some educational tools that you think could be used to educate patients on pain science:
True or False: Pain is felt by everyone at some point and is NOT an emotional experience, and not highly individualized and difficult to evaluate. Pain is experienced by everyone in the same way.
Neuroscience education can be viewed as a preventative measure in acute pain and as ______ in chronic pain situations?
Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage.
Define pain
Gait control theory of pain is when A and C fibers become activated which activate nerve fibers -Mechano receptors causing the person to apply a deep rubbing pressure on the painful location which activates the Dorsal Colum medial leminisus pathway
What is the Gait Control Theory?
decrease pain scores, increase physical performance, decrease perceived disability, and decrease catasrophization in patients with chronic and acute pain.
Name some of the benefits of using neuroscience education to educate patients on pain:
Bradykinin, serotonin, histamine, potassium ions, cytokines, substance P
Name some chemical irritants that are responsible for pain: