Limited Partners PACP History Lazard Random Mix Due Diligence / Technicals
Who is Mike Khalil from DV Trading?
This LP wanted every piece of diligence he could get his hands on for an allocation of $1M.
Who is UBS?
The placement agent that Lazard unseated and thoroughly outperformed.
Who is Frazier Bostwick?
This Lazard distribution professional has the most leads and warm prospects for PACP Fund II.
What is Protein Bowl?
This is Chris’s go-to lunch spot in Chicago.
What is S-Z-N-E-W-A-J-S ?
This is the correct spelling of Chris S' last name
Who is Platanus?
This LP asked and spoke with nearly every member of the PACP team during their follow-up diligence; to be exact it was seven separate 30 minute VCs.
Who is Lilly Haddad?
This was the interim EA at PACP who sent snapchat filtered selfies when asked for a professional headshot.
What is golf?
This is both Lazard PCA's and PACP's favorite sport, so much that the deal toy was inspired by this sport.
Who is Banner Ridge?
This LP made too many reference calls, had two NYC meetings, visited the PACP office once for three hours yet still didn't make it into the fundraise.
What is Titleist Pro V1?
In April, Pacific Avenue acquired three product lines developed by Cray Valley. One of these product lines, Dymalink, is a cross-linking agent that, among other purposes, is used in this brand-name ball.
Who is Insigneo?
This LP was late getting sub docs in because the CEO was skiing in Aspen and couldn’t get to a computer.
Who is Chris Sznewajs?
This is the PACP IC member who is an aggressively fast driver and will leave 20 minutes later but arrive 10 minutes earlier than the other IC member to a LP meeting in downtown LA.
What is running 5 miles?
This is the activity that Ben Stein and Chris Sznewajs did in the morning to close SEI the day of their onsite.
What is Fishing with Dynamite?
During this fundraise, this was Chris and Jason's favorite and most frequent restaurant to have dinner with LPs at.
Who is Jason leach?
This South Florida native is known as the carve-out guru and has executed 17 carve outs in his pre-PACP track record, driving a >5.0x gross MOIC on all deals prior to PACP.
Who is Jonathan Crafts of Prime Buchholz?
This is the LP who went dark on us for 6 weeks.
Who is Jason Leach?
This PACP Partner made sure Tom Holmstrom was awake and laser-focused on the PACP fundraise with adhoc 6am strategy calls.
This is how many times Chris had to stop and wait for Kevan during their morning run.
What is Fishing with Dynamite?
During this fundraise, this was Chris and Jason's favorite and most frequent restaurant to have dinner with LPs at.
What is $199M?
This is the submitted demand amount that Partners Capital Investment Group stated was the second highest demand outcome for a first time fund in the history of their buyout program.
Who is USC?
The LP that Chris and Jason had dinner with became known as the "Manhattan Beach Bloodbath” dinner.
What is the American flag?
This patriotic emblem was proudly featured behind Chris on most Zooms.
What is Oversubscribed?
This is the one adjective to describe this fundraise that Lazard PCA also manifested with on a cap during our kick-off dinner in January 2023.
Who is the Berzofsky Family Office?
Before the launch of Fund I, this LP loved PACP so much and said, "either introduce me or I will introduce myself."
Who is Albourne Partners?
This is the third party firm that Utah SITFO typically uses for an 8 week ODD process, however they gave PACP a pass and relieved Joseph of another DDQ. Fun fact: this firm is where Tom Holmstrom first worked after college.

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