The Uniform and Badge The Scout Oath Miscellaneous Scout Knowledge Scout Law The First Class Badge
What is the hat or cap?
With the neckerchief and slide, this is the final part of the official Webelos uniform.
What is God and Country?
The first duty in the oath is to these.
What is the Outdoor Code?
The Cub Scout Motto "Do your best" is part of the Oath and this important code.
What is Trustworthy, Loyal, and Helpful?
These three points of Scout Law represent how you should treat your fellow Troop and Patrol mates.
What are the two stars?
In addition to reminding us of the outdoors, these remind us of Truth and Knowledge.
What is three?
The number of elements of the Boy Scout Oath represented by the symbol on the Webelos badge.
What or When is at all times?
You should perform the second duty on this schedule.
What is three?
The Boy Scout sign and salute each use this number of fingers.
What is Cheerful?
A scout should not only be Obedient, he must be this, as well.
What is a smile?
The scroll with the Scout Motto, "Be Prepared", is in this shape to remind us to be cheerful as we do our duty.
What is a clearly political activity?
In addition to not wearing your uniform when performing professionally or at a demonstration not approved by the BSA, you should never wear your uniform at this type of activity.
What is the Scout Law
As a part of your first duty, you promise to obey this.
What is "Do a Good Turn Daily"?
This is the scout slogan.
What is Thrifty?
This point of Scout Law involves being wise with your money, time, and resources.
What is "To Do a Good Turn"? (Or the Scout Slogan)
In addition to reminding us of the skills a Boy Scout learns (such as tying knots), the knot attached to the bottom of the scroll reminds us of this daily task.
What is a compass?
The symbol on the Webelos badge reminds us of the needle on this navigational tool.
What is to keep myself mentally awake?
Your second duty to self.
What is "any old thing"?
According to Lord Baden-Powell, founder of the World Scouting Movement, the Scout motto means you should Be Prepared for this.
What is "Friendly, Courteous, and Kind"?
This three point stanza of the Scout Law represents how you should treat all people.
What is an Eagle?
The shield and this bird form the national emblem at the forefront of the First Class Badge.
What is plaid?
This the color of the Webelos Neckerchief.
What is "On my Honor"?
This phrase means that "I promise" and "that I am honorable".
What is it is the hand closest to the heart?
The Scout Handshake uses the left hand because of this.
What is Reverent?
The final point of Scout law which deals with Duty to God and respect for other people's religious beliefs.
What is readiness to defend that freedom?
The national emblem stands for freedom and this.

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