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What town in Chile was Neruda born in?
What art form did Neruda enjoy doing?
What did Neruda strongly support in Chile?
What is a condition that leads to brain swelling?
What is Neruda's favorite color?
Pablo Neruda
What is Neftali Basoaltao's pen name?
Las Uvas y el Viento(1954),
Which published book can be regarded as the diary of Neruda's exile?
How many houses did Neruda own?
Delia del Carril
What is the name of Neruda's second wife?
What language did Neruda speak?
Neftalí Ricardo Reyes Basoalto
What is Pablo Neruda's real name?
García Lorca
The murder of who, made Pablo Neruda join the Republican movement?
Unity and Peace
Being a Communist, what did Neruda fight for?
Neruda's daughter died of what cause?
Jan Neruda
Which A Czech poet influenced Neruda's pen name?
Men’s Lyceum of Temuco
What high school did Pablo Neruda attend?
He had to live underground in his own country for two years until he managed to leave in 1949
Due to his protests against President González Videla's repressive policy against striking miners in 1947, what did Neruda have to do?
Because of his Communist Political Views
Why did United States ban Neruda?
Heart failure
Pablo Neruda died of what cause?
Nobel Peace Prize
Neruda received what award in 1971?
What did his mother died of?
Burma, Ceylon, Java, Singapore, Buenos Aires, Barcelona, and Madrid
Name one place Neruda visit after being in charge of a number of honorary consulship's.
Neruda’s house in Isla Negra gets broken into and his books and notes destroyed by the military police.
As the government of Allende collapsed, what happened to Neruda's house in Isla Negra?
Malva Marina Trinidad
What is the name of Neruda's daughter?
What is Pablo Neruda's horoscope sign?