Labor and delivery Postpartum Conditions/Care Postpartum Complications Care of the Newborn Maternity and Newborn Meds
What is dystocia
Difficult labor that is prolonged or more painful
What is lochia
Discharge from the uterus that consists of blood from the vessels of the placental site and debris from the decidua
What is Mastitis
Inflammation of the breast as a result of infection
What is no intervention required except to support newborn's spontaneous efforts
An apgar score of 8= what intervention on the part of the nurse
What is Magnesium Sulfate; it stops pre-term labor and controls seizures
This drug is a CNS depressant and anticonvulsant; it causes smooth muscle relaxation
What is Rupture of the Uterus
Risk factors of this include: Labor after c-section; overdistended uterus after c-section; abdominal trauma
What is colostrum
Breasts continue to secrete this up to 72 hours after delivery
What is a Pulmonary Embolism
Signs of this include sudden dyspnea and c/p; tachypnea and tachycardia; cough and crackles
What is caput succedaneum
Edema of the soft tissue over bone (crosses the suture line) subsides within a few days
What is tocolytics. Examples: Indomethacin (Indocin); Magnesium Sulfate; Nifedipine (procardia, adalat, nifedical) and Terbutaline
This classification of medications that produce uterine relaxation and suppress uterine activity in an attempt to halt uterine contractions and prevent pre-term birth
What is Pre-term labor
Occurs after the 20th week of gestation but before the 37th week of gestation
What is ice packs
For the first 24 hours after delivery, these should be used to relieve perineal discomfort
What is subinvolution
Failure of the uterus to to return to its normal size and condition
What is cephalhematoma
Swelling caused by bleeding into an area between the bone and its periosteum
What is prostaglandins
These meds ripen the cervix, making it softer and causing it to dilate and efface
What is Precipitous labor and delivery
Labor lasting less than 3 hours
What is constipation
Adequate intake of fluids (2000 ml/day)
Diet high in fiber and encourage ambulation-These interventions are to decrease risk for
What is Thrombophlebitis
Increased blood-clotting factors in the postpartum period place the patient at risk
What is hypothermia, infection, hypoglycemia and with cardiac, respiratory, and neurological conditions
Cyanosis is noted in the newborn with these conditions
What is Oxytocin (Pitocin)
Stimulates the smooth muscle of the uterus and increase the force frequency and duration of uterine contractions
What is amniotic fluid embolism
The escape of amniotic fluid into the maternal circulation
L=latch of newborn; A= audible swallow; T=type of nipple; C=comfort of mother and H=hold or position of baby
What does the acronym LATCH stand for?
What is an increase in the pulse rate
What is an early sign of excessive blood loss
What is acrocyanosis?
This condition affecting feet and hands is normal in the first few hours after birth and may be noted intermittently for the next 7-10 days
What is intestinal bacteria; rationale the newborn is at risk of hemorrhagic disorders; coagulation factors depend o vit k; which is not synthesized until intestinal bacteria are present
Newborns are deficient in vitamin k for the first 5 to 8 days after birth because of the lack of

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