Oyster Farming | Ferda Farms | Anatomy of an Oyster | Tidbits |
What is merrior. The complete set of local conditions in which seafood is raised; how an oyster’s taste reflects the waters where it was raised.
What gives an oyster it's taste?
What is Brunswick, Maine or the New Meadows River
Where Ferda Farms is located
What is a bivalve (clam, mussels, scallops are also bivalves)
Shellfish with two shells
Kind of. The heart is right next to the bottom adductor muscle, so in most cases, separating the meat from the shell kills it.
Are oysters alive when you eat them?
What is an off-bottom method
Cage, rack and bag, tray, surface/floating, and suspended are examples of this type of oyster growing method
What is off-bottom method (floating racks/mesh bags)
Grow method used by Ferda farmers
What is an adductor muscle
The muscle that keeps an oysters shells closed
growing more oysters and restoring oyster reefs, chicken feed, and clothing
What are recycled oysters shells used for?
What is bottom culture method
Method of growing oysters on the ocean floor
What is Bombazine and the Austin Oyster
The type of oyster grown by Ferda farmers?
Microalgae that oysters consume. The reason its still green is that the algae isn't fully consumed yet and is still in the digestive process: hepatopancreas and is the part of the digestive tract which performs functions in the pancreas and liver. SAFE TO EAT
What is the green stuff in my oyster?
50 gallons
How many gallons of water does an oyster filter a day?
What is 12-18 months
Length of time to grow an oyster
How many Austin Oysters were grown in 2021?
What is Crassostrea virginica
Species of East coast oysters?
They filter water and they are one of the most sustainable sources of protein on the planet. they feed off nutrients in the water: no greenhouse gas emissions, don't need to grow food for them.
Why are oysters good for the environment?
The temperature of the water it grows in and the length of time it has to grow
What determines the size of the oyster?
How many Austin Oysters do you have for 2022?
Oysters will be both sexes throughout their life and many of them will switch genders. (Sequential hermaphroditism)
Are there male and female oysters?
Before modern refrigeration and transportation - months with "R" were the safest to consume raw shellfish because the weather was cold enough to keep the oysters fresh.
Now because of developments in transportation and food safety that is no longer the case.
Why is there a saying that I should only eat oysters in the months that end in "R"?