The collapse and the causes Fishing threats to ecosystem Collapse’s impact on economy Solutions Fish facts
Overfishing. The overexploitation of fish and the allowance of the industry to expand too much.
What caused the numbers of fish to decline? (don’t overthink)
It destroys the marine habitat and ecosystem. They catch large numbers of fish and bycatch also kills many unintended marine animals, disrupting the food chain.
How does fishing impact the ecosystem?
The fishing industry provided much of Newfoundland and its smaller community’s incoming money and jobs, you can only imagine how big the impact was felt by the people and government.
Why was the closing of fisheries so bad for the economy?
Join campaigns, support organizations, spread the word, etc.
How can you spread awareness?
There is an estimated amount of fish in the ocean that reaches 3,500,000,000,000 (3.5 trillion)
According to the best estimates of scientists, how many fish are there living in the ocean?

1. 50.98 trillion
2. 7.648 trillion
3. 60 billion
4. 3.5 trillion
Fish move around to many different places constantly and are always being eaten and dying. They have a continuously changing population.
Why is it so hard to track fish and give a good guess of a sustainable fishing amount?
Fishing gear thrown away adds plastic to the oceans and entangles sea animals. Fishing boats release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
How does fishing pollute the environment?
Many of them did not have experience in other areas.
Why did the workers who lost their jobs after the fisheries closed find it hard to find other jobs?
Local is best. Seafood taken in local North American seas is often subjected to more inspection and control than seafood caught elsewhere in the world, and it also requires less energy to store and transport, which is more efficient.
Why is local seafood more sustainable?
Since humans like to record almost everything they do, since the early 1800s, when humans hunted whale populations for blubber for lamp oil, overfishing has been documented.
When did overfishing start to be documented?

1. 1900’s
2. 1400’s
3. 1600’s
4. 1800’s
The Canadian Government shut down fishers permanently in 1992.
In what year did the Canadian government shut down the fisheries?
Coral reefs are vital to marine ecosystems, as they provide shelter for other organisms, and protect coastlines from storms, currents and erosion.
Explain the importance of coral reefs in a marine ecosystem.
In the 10 years following the fishing ban, the province's population dropped by how much?

1. 10%
2. 2%
3. 40%
4. 67%
Tuna cans are labelled as “Dolphin Safe” to indicate the fact that the nets that were used to fish tunas do NOT affect dolphins.
What fish cans are labeled “Dolphin-Safe” and why?
How many taste buds does a Catfish have?

1. 4040
2. 8224
3. 51230
4. 27000
Trawling is a method of fishing that involves pulling a fishing net through the water behind one or more boats.
What is trawling and why is it bad?
Approximately a quarter of seafood is caught by bottom-trawling today.
Approximately how much of today’s seafood is caught by bottom-trawling?

1. 10%
2. 25%
3. 90%
4. 0%
The government had to provide financial aid and training programs.
What has Newfoundland’s government done in response to support the unemployed after closing of fisheries?
The Marine Stewardship Council.
What does the MSC fish label stand for?
1. Marine Stewardship Council
2. Marvelous Sea Council
3. Marine Stewardship Committee
4. Marine’s Sustainable Catch
Over 492 million.
How many fish have been killed in Canada this year?
1. 500 million
2. 13.78 million
3. 420 million
4. 492 million
None, or not enough (;
With more advanced fishing technology, what regulations were put in place right away in Newfoundland to prevent overfishing?
Drift netting, Trawling, Gillnets, and Purse-seine nets.
What are the 4 types of fishing practices that have very harmful gears (nets) that are bad for both the sea ground and the creatures living inside of the ocean/sea?
Approximately how many people were put out of work when the fisheries were closed by the government? (hint: answer is _0,000)
Tuna, cod, halibut, etc.
What are some overfished marine species?
An estimated 2.7 billion wild fish are killed for food every day
How many fish do we kill a day?

1. 2.7 billion
2. 2.7 million
3. 270 thousand
4. 270 million

Overfishing in Newfoundland

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