Earthquakes | Volcanoes | Magma | Lava | Tsunami |
What is a landform?
A physical feature on Earth's surface.
What is an earthquake?
The sudden movement of Earth's crust.
What are features on the ocean floor?
Trenches, rift valleys, and abyssal plains are all this.
What is acid rain?
This causes chemical weathering.
What is the ocean basin?
The largest landform beneath the ocean.
What is a geologist?
A scientist who studies the structure and history of Earth.
What is a fault?
A crack in Earth's crust.
What is asthenosphere?
The part of Earth made of rock that is close to its boiling point.
What is studies the Earth's structure and history?
A geologist does this.
What is the Ring of Fire?
This is around the Pacific Ocean Plate where many volcanoes erupt.
What is a volcano?
An opening in Earth's crust out of which magma flow.
What is magnitude?
The measure of the amount of energy released.
What is liquid metal?
The Earth's outer core is made of this.
What is continental drift?
Animal fossils, the shape of coastlines, and the age and type of mountains all explain that this happened.
What is where one plate pushes under another?
Volcanoes tend to erupt at these places.
What is lava?
A material that comes up through Earth's surface and hardens.
What is erosion?
The movement of pieces of weathered rock from one place to another.
What is a cinder-cone volcano?
This volcano has layers.
What is compression?
The force that occurs when plates are pushed together.
What is a caldera?
This forms when a volcano erupts.
What is a hot spot?
An unmoving pool of magma below the Earth's crust.
What is continental drift?
The reason why two landforms so far apart that have matching fossils and rock can be related.
What is a tsunami?
A giant wave caused by an earthquake under the ocean.
What is shear?
The force that twists, tears, or pushes one part of the crust past another.
What are the Aleutian Islands?
These are an example of an island arc.