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What are Fallen Angels
These angelic beings refused to serve God and do his will. They became evil through their own free will.
what is the soul
The immortal, invisible, spiritual part of humans
What are Mysteries (mystery)
This word refers to truths that our limited minds will never understand fully; these include the Blessed Trinity, Resurrection, and the Holy Eucharist
What is Liturgy of the Word
This word describes the first part of Mass
Who is the Holy Mother
Mediatrix is one of many names for this revered person
What is the Seventh Commandment
This order, engraved in stone, tells us not to take things that don't belong to us.
What is a Guardian Angel
This is a heavenly being assigned to each of us during our life on earth
what is a creed
This word describes part of a statement of our Catholic beliefs - it means "I believe"
What is Liturgy of the Eucharist
This word describes the part of the Mass after the Gifts have been brought to the Alter
What is Grace
This word describes the state of a person's soul who has just gone to confession
Who is Moses
This person killed an Egyptian, became a herdsman, and raised a family before he became a leader.
Who are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
These are the components of the Supreme Being
What is Sanctifying Grace (Grace)
This is what Catholics receive at Baptism and is enhanced with each sacrament
Who is God
He turns bread into Jesus' flesh and wine into Jesus' blood
What is Confirmation
During this ceremony, the candidate is required to discuss facts about a Saint
What are the Patriarchs
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel) are referred to as this.
What is Ordinary Time
In the Catholic seasonal calendar, Advent is followed by Christmas. This season directly follows Christmas.
What is infallibility
This word describes how the Pope and bishops are guided by the Holy Spirit, who protects them from teaching any error in the matters of faith and morals.
What is the Nicene Creed
This is the official name for the Catholic Profession of Faith - originating at a conference in a Greek territory in Turkey
Who is The Redeemer
Through his death and resurrection, Jesus freed us from the slavery of sin and the devil - to earn this name
What are preternatural gifts
The collective name for these gifts given to Adam and Eve: immortality, infused knowledge of God and things necessary for life, integrity (harmonious relationship with oneself, among people, and with nature), and impassibility (freedom from pain).
The Magisterium
What is incarnate
The word used to describe God becoming man
What are Parables
This is the name of the type of short stories told by Jesus and repeated during some of the readings in mass
What are One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic
These four words are called the Mark of the Church. They describe the state and formation of the Catholic Church