Basic Nutrition | Ornish Friendly Foods | Soy | Label Reading |
Is fat necessary for our body?
Fruits, veggies, whole grains
Name 3 food groups that are recommended with Ornish Reversal?
Soy Milk
What type of milk is a good source of omega 3 fatty acids and contains both calcium and vitamin D?
If a packaged food claims it is low in sodium, it must be equal to or less than ______ mg of sodium.
2-4 servings
How many servings of fruit is recommended per day for Ornish Reversal?
Fat free
Which type of dairy is acceptable with Ornish Reversal?
1-2 servings
How many servings of full fat soy are allowed per day on Ornish Reversal?
Added sugars
What should you watch for on a label that is also considered "empty calories?"
What supplement is recommended to take that is considered "added insurance" for our body and meets 100% of the RDA?
Which nutrient lowers LDL cholesterol?
What food is the simplest form of soybeans?
The most predominant ingredient
When reading a label, what does the first ingredient on the ingredient list represent?
9 calories/gram
Fat contains how many calories per gram?
Guidelines for reversal of heart disease recommend not exceeding how many grams of cholesterol per day?
What food is made from the "milk" of heated ground soybeans and considered a complete protein?
10% total fat
What percent of calories should come from total fat for Ornish Reversal?
What is the recommended sodium guideline for Ornish Reversal per day?
How many grams of added fat are allowed per day?
Which food is a type of tofu, but fermented and acts a a natural prebiotoc?
Coconut oil
When reading labels, which oil should be avoided due to high saturated fat content?