Budget and Planning | Promoting your Lay organization | Qualifications and duties of offices | Conference, District, and Connectional |
What are things your Lay organization should plan its yearly calendar?
Plan attend to the Lay Convention at the Conference, District and Connectional levels. Plan to have an Annual Lay Day
What are Fundraisers Ideas?
Sponsor trips/ tours, Hosting Conference Lay Organization Meetings, Dinners, Prayer Breakfast , Sponsored Concerts, Tom Thumb Weddings, and theme teas.
What are the responsibilities and qualifications of the Director of Lay Activities ( DOLA) ?
Be responsible for planning and training to executive board, and the lay organization. Must have interpersonal and communication skills. Work in conjunction with the president.
Who are presidents of the Lay Organization for the connectional, district, and conference?
Dr. Willie Glover, Mrs. Madge White, and Ms. Lorine Hearon
What is Income - Where the money can come from?
Monthly Dues from Lay Organization Members
Annual Church wide Fundraiser for Lay Organization Annual Lay Day Assessment from Lay Organization |
Which is things to Publicizing your Lay Organization?
Use Bulletin Boards, Notices in Church Bulletin, (1DOLA Delights)Newsletters for distribution to your congregation, social media, fliers, brochures.
4. Provide reports for distribution when your organization’s delegates attend conference and convention. |
What are the duties of the President?
preside over meetings
Set Goals for the Organization Perform administrative duties Keep order. Be fair and impartial. Protect the rights of all members, preside over meetings keep order in a meeting, should prepare the agenda call the meeting to order o |
Who are the Directors of Lay Activities for the connectional, district, and conference?
Mrs. Edith Bartley Cartledge and Mr. Jerry Turner
What is Expenses – Where the money goes that the Lay Organization raises?
Contribution to Conference Lay Organization Budget Delegate expenses, church obligations/special projects.
What are free events the Lay Organization?
Sponsor a game / fun night, bar b que or pick nick, movie night, theme teas, host an organizational fair
What are the duties and qualifications of the Director of Public Relations?
Have a working knowledge of sales, journalism, marketing, and/ or media technology. Responsible for news letters, up keep of social media sites, press release, and announcements.
Who are the The Young Adult Representative for the connectional, district, and conference?
Ms. Felicia E. Commodore, Mr. Michael Cousin Jr, and Mr. Bryan Grey
What is why do you need funding to support the Lay Organization?
To send delegates to represent your organization at conventions and conferences.
To financially support your organization’s sponsored projects. To financially support the programs of your local church. |
Which are ways to communicate with the lay Organization?
Email, Local Lay Newsletter, conference calls, The Connectional Lay Organization Newsletter,
The 4th Episcopal District Lay Organization Newsletter The Christian Recorder The A.M.E. Review |
What are the duties of the Young Adult Representative?
Responsible for coordinating teaching and training opportunities for young adults and youths in conjunction with the DOLA. Voice the concerns of the new generation . Must be 18-30 years of age.
What is the Lay Organization Biennial?
The largest Lay Organization convention, with all the that is held every 2 years in different locations. All officers and delegates attend this
What is things to do when you are organizing your Lay Organization?
Write a constitution and Bi-laws, and write a missions statement
Which are ways to promote your Local Lay Organization?
Sponsor church wide projects. Connect with other organizations within your church to sponsor church events.
What are the Qualifications for people who want to be Lay leaders?
Must be dedicated to the church-have the responsibility of coordinating and motivating the laity of the church toward effective discipleship. composed of Elected Officers, all of the Local Church Lay Organizations within the Conference.
What are the states within the 4th district?
Canada, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, and Minneapolis, ,