Group Decision Making Conflict Group Tasks & Roles Communication & Interpersonal Relationship
What is the most popular way of structuring a group process to generate a large number of ideas?
1. There is always an answer or solution to a conflict
2. Managing conflict is primarily about doing things differently
3. Peace is the absence of conflict
4. More communication always creates more clarity
Name one myth about conflicts
What is a visual representation of who talks to whom in a group called?
Closed questions can be answered with a yes or no while open questions encourage elaborate responses
What is the difference between an open and closed question?
C. Polarization
Which one of the following is not an example of groupthink?
A. Stereotyping outsiders
B. Direct pressure
C. Polarization
D. Illusion of inherent morality
Open Door Policy
What is a company’s policy of allowing any employee to bring any issue directly to top management and to expect a hearing called?
Encourages participation of others and/or limits the input of more talkative members
What is the role of a gatekeeper in a team?
Men usually employ report talk while females are more likely to engage in ____________ talk.
Social Loafing
What is a reduction in motivation and effort when individuals work in groups compared to when they work individually?
Manifest conflict is observed while latent conflict is hidden
What is the difference between latent and manifest conflicts?
Convergent thinking is selecting the best solution from a number of answers while divergent thinking is searching for a variety of solutions
What is the difference between convergent and divergent thinking?
Self-Serving Bias
What is the tendency to attribute one’s successes to personal attributes while attributing one’s failures to external causes?
Social Facilitation
What is the enhancement of or detraction from a person’s performance, which results from that person being in the presence of others?
Task, Process and Relationship
Name the three types of conflict
1. Information giver
2. Opinion giver
3. Information seeker
4. Opinion seeker
5. Initiator
6. Summarizer
7. Orienter
8. Recorder
Name any three task roles
Self Monitoring
What is an individual’s tendency to actively construct his or her pubic image to achieve social goals?

Organizational Behavior Jeopardy

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