Ordinances | Covenants |
What are ordinances?
These are sacred, formal acts performed under priesthood authority.
What are covenants?
These are sacred agreements between God and man where God sets specific conditions, and He promises to bless us as we obey those conditions.
What is the sacrament? (Luke 22:19-20)
The ordinance that represents the body and blood of the Savior.
What is baptism? (Mosiah 18:8-10) (D&C 20:77,79)
With this ordinance you make a covenant to always remember the Savior, be His witness, be willing to take His name upon you, and to always keep His commandments.
What is baptism (by immersion)? (Romans 6:3-6)
The ordinance that symbolizes the death and resurrection of Christ and our own spiritual rebirth.
What is ordination to the Melchizedek Priesthood? (Alma 13:8) (D&C 84:33-39)
With this ordinance, (men) make a covenant to which is often referred to as "the oath and covenant."
What is confirmation? (D&C 20:41)
The ordinance through which we receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
What are the endowment and sealing ordinances? (D&C 95:8) (D&C 43:16) (D&C 131:1-2)
With these two ordinances performed in the temple, additional covenants are made with the Lord, of which is learned and discussed only within the temple.
What are baptism, confirmation, ordination to the Melchizedek Priesthood (men), the temple endowment, and the marriage sealing? (Articles of Faith 1:3)
Those ordinances that are essential to our exaltation, also known as "saving ordinances."
Who is Abraham? (Abraham 2: 9-11) (3 Ne. 20:25-26)
As members of the church, we become "children of the covenant." More specifically, children of the covenant that God made with this man thousands of years ago.