Scales | Key signatures | Name the Piece | Chords | Intervals |
How many notes are there in a major scale?
C major
What major key has no flats or sharps?
Stairway to Heaven
What song is this? |
The root, 3rd, and 5th.
What notes compose a major triad?
What is a major 3rd up from D?
How many notes are there in a one octave blues scale?
How many sharps are there in the key of A major?
Blues for Oaktown
What song is this? |
Lower the 3rd.
How do you change a major triad into a minor triad?
What is a major 2nd down from E?
Natural Minor
If the 3rd, 6th and 7th are lowered, what kind of scale is it?
How many sharps are there in the key of F# major?
What song is this? |
Lower the 3rd and 5th.
How do you change a major triad into a diminished triad?
What is a perfect 4th up from C?
In a natural minor the 7th is lowered, in a harmonic minor it's not.
How is a harmonic minor scale different than a natural minor scale?
4- B E A D
How many flats are there in the key of A b major and what are they?
Lyric Metal
What song is this? |
The 7th.
What note is added to change a triad into a major 7 chord?
What is a major 7th up from C?
Melodic Minor
If the 3rd is flat when ascending and the 3rd, 6th and 7th are flat when descending, what kind of scale is it?
6- B E A D G C
How many flats are there in the key of G b major and what are they?
Pictures at an Exhibition
What song is this? |
D F# A
Whats the minor triad of root D?
What is a perfect 5th up from E?