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What is Phosgene gas?
Smells like fresh cut grass.
What is a Tsunami?
large waves with major destructive power
What is System Status Management
Dynamic deployment based on data collected for call location, frequency and traffic patterns.
What is a clandestine lab?
Risks include flammable chemicals and booby traps
What is immediate?
Must receive care immediately or survival is questionable
What is in a NAAK?
2-PAM and Atropine
What is forward surgical team
A team made up of a surgeon, nurses and EMS providers.
What is a van chassis with a modular ambulance body.
Type III
What is a gang?
Communicate with hand signs, grafitti and social media
What is delayed category?
In need of prompt care but with no immediate life threat present
What is the most common weapon used by terrorists today?
What is a pandemic?
A large epidemic that may require Paramedics to assist in administering vaccines.
What is the minimum size for a suitable LZ?
100' by 100'
What is a tactical paramedic?
Specially trained medics who render care in violent and dangerous situations.
What is a systematic way of sorting patents by removing walking wounded then assessing respiration, pulse presence and mental status?
What is the most powerful toxic chemical produced?
What is the EOC?
A central strategic command and control facility
What is a spotter?
Must be used when backing the ground ambulance
What is a part of the car that can provide cover?
The engine block
What is different about JUMP START for kids?
Open airway and give rescue breaths
What is salivation, lacrimation, urination, defecation, gastric distress, emesis and miosis?
Remembered as SLUDGEM
What is a casualty collection point?
Where minor injured parties can be gathered together to be transported for further treatment
What is brake fade?
A sensation that an ambulance has lost it's power brakes
What is important to document after a crime scene response?
What you saw, smelled, heard and were told by patients who may have been victims or witnesses.
What is where resources are left until needed
Staging area