spelling | math | science | random??? | music |
have teacher tell you
what does this word spell:
Funny |
What is 2+2
is a flower living
Miss skylar
who is the best
camilo shapeshifts
finish the lyric: Cousin delores can hear a pin drop...
have teacher tell you
what does this word spell:
sound |
What is 8+5
have teacher see if correct
whats something that uses electricity
Miss skylar
who is amazing
bruno no no no
finish the lyric: we dont talk about
have teacher tell you
what does this word spell:
starter |
What is 21-10
have teacher see if correct
Whats something that uses heat
Miss skylar
Who is good at soccer
finish the lyric: waiting on a
have teacher tell you
what does this word spell:
musical |
What is 22+3
water, soil, sunlight
What do plants need to grow
Miss skylar
who is the best teacher
pressure that will tip tip tip till it just go POP!
finish the lyric: Pressure that will drip drip drip that will never stop. Woahoo
have teacher tell you
what does this word spell:
assessment |
What is 22-18
how many bones do you have
Bing it in bring it in
finish the lyric: What else can i do?