snowball rolls down hill ... what is it
its on a gun
whats white and comes down the hill fast ?
black if you are underneath
what color can the snow in a avalanche be?
wrong MJ, he sang songs
in the mid 80's what team did MJ play for ?
snowslide or snowslip
another name for an avalanche
avalanches can get up to 300kmph
so how fast is fast for a fast AVY
too much snow and people
what causes avalanches?
chance of survival in an AVY after 30 mins
Terrain traps are any terrain feature that increases the consequences of getting caught in an avalanche.
what is a terrain trap
in a starting zone from a mechanical failure in the snowpack
how are avalanches triggered?
layers of wet and dry
what are the effects of the sun in a big AVY?
trees and snow
what gets knocked down in an avalanche?
AVY training and AVY bulletins
types of awesome AVY stuff
they are used for safety and more safety
what is a probe, shovel and tranceiver used for?
wet, slab, point
what are the three main types of avalanche
69 degrees in ma bed (25-45 degrees)
what is the angle of an AVY to make it a good AVY
depends what kind of friends you have
how long will you survive ?
the thing that says if it is safe to go do fun stuff on a hill with snow
what is an AVULATOR
the bond with the old snow and density changes creates layers in the snow, and the weather weakens it
what are the effects of a snow pack and previous weather?
2.precipatation 3.noises or cracks 4. temp rise
what are the 4 signs of an avalanche
cause the snowmobiler had been riding really rough and crazy that day. and had caused the avalanche, he died, and the avalanche crossed the road while slaughtering many others.
why did the avalanche fall down the hill fast AF
Voile mini telepro T6 ultimate supa avalanche shovel
what kind of shovel do you use
a bowl is a snow ditch and a gully is a small coulee
what are gullies and bowls