NEW TESTAMENT CONVERSION | baptism with the holy spirit | miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit | THE CHURCH | MOVEMENTS |
what is the 3,000?
acts 2:36-47
What is indwelling of the Spirit
acts 2:38
What is types of gifts
1 Corinthians 12:8-10
What is the HEAD
colossians 1:15-18
What is1500s reformation movement
Martin Luther takes a stand against roman catholic church:
bible authority over church authority, salvation by faith not works, and the priesthood of all believers |
what is the Ethiopian eunuch?
acts 8:26-39
What is baptism with the Holy Spirit
acts 2
What is types of laying on of hands
acts 13 blessing
acts 9:17-18, acts 28:8 healing acts 8:18, acts 6: 1-8 passing on of gifts |
What is the household of God
Ephesians 2:19-21
What is 1700s great awakening movement
john and charles wesley (methodist church) divide from church of England: personal transforming decision for Christ not state religion, high accountability of members & preaching to the unchurch
what is the philippian jailer and his family?
acts 16:22-34
What is characteristics of the baptism with the the Holy Spirit?
acts 1:4-5
What is Apostles able to pass on gifts
luke 9:1
What is cornerstone and foundation of the church
ephesians 2:20
What is1800s restoration movement
alexander campbell & barton stone ( mainline and conservative christian church) take a stand against both protestant and catholic doctrines of salvation:
personal faith repentance and baptism for the forgiveness of sin to receive the Holy Spirit |
What is Paul?
acts 9:1-22
What is the 5 characteristics of the Holy Spirit
predicted came with out warning languages purpose: to usher in the Holy Spirit |
What is correctives on speaking in tongues
1 corinthians 12 & 14
What is one body
ephesians 4:4-6
romans 12:4-5 1 corinthians 12:12-13 |
what is crossroads movement total commitment movement)
pioneers evangelizing the secular campuses of the US
counting the cost with each person to be baptized and the shepherding of new converts |
What is Paul?
acts 22:3-16
what is does baptism of the Holy Spirit exist today?
ephesians 4:4-6 baptism with water in the name of jesus for the forgiveness of sins |
What is two purposes of miraculous gifts
1 corinthians 14:20-22
to get non believers to believe to edify the Christians and strengthen their faith |
What is contribution
malachi 3:6-12
2 corinthians 9:6-8 |
What is 5 core convictions
1- bible church 2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17
2- be silent where bible speaks GENESIS 2:19 3- only baptized disciples are biblical/true christians, members of God's church and should be in discipling relationships MATTHEW 28:19-20 4- gods plan is for a central leadership, NUMBERS 27:12-18 5- God's will is for the evangelization of the nations in this generation 1 TIMOTHY 2:3-4 |