Omar | Rami | Omar/Rami | Passage Related Facts |
What field does Omar want to work in?
Dunkin Donuts
Where is the setting when we are first introduced to Rami?
Where does Rami visit overseas?
Internment camps for people from certain Arab countries
What was the goal of "Alien Terrorists and Undesirables: A Contingency Plan"?
So he can impress the family of Nadine whom he wants to marry
Why does Omar want to get a job so badly?
What is the name of Ramis' friend who helps him understand why he is a Muslim?
What sport does Omar play?
His Arab side has become much more important because of 9/11 and post 9/11 situations
What does Omars' father mean when he says Omar has post 9/11 syndrome?
Al Jazeera
What is the name of the news organization Omar interns for?
They arrested/kidnapped his wife
How did the police manage to arrest Abu Rami?
He enjoys being a father figure to the kids because of what happened to his father
Why does Rami enjoy working at the youth center?
What percent did the wages of Arab and Muslim men decrease from 2000-2002
Chilean and Palestinian
What is Omars' ethnicity?
Distributing cigarettes to groceries without paying taxes on them
What was Ramis' father doing that got him arrested?
Promoting Islam positively to the community
What is the concept of da'wa?
When was the first dual language Arab English High School opened in Brooklyn?
Protests against the war in Iraq
What did Omar focus on researching when he worked for DCTV (Downtown Community Television)?
What did Rami talk to his father about while he was in jail?
To his father in jail
Where does Rami want to send Qur'ans?
Immigration laws
What kind of laws prevented Arabs from naturalizing (becoming US citizens)?