Oma and Names | Oma Gerta's Favorites | Women in the Bible |
Grandma in German
What does Oma mean?
What is Oma Gerta's favorite color?
Herta (means Heart in German)
What is Gerta's German name?
White Rose
What is Oma's favorite flower?
What is Gerta's maiden name (her name before she got married)?
The Wings
What is Oma Gerta's favorite part of a bird to eat?
Robert and Emma
What are the names of Oma Gerta's parents?
The mandolin
What is Oma Gerta's favorite musical instrument to play?
Nadia, Alina, and Lana
What are the names of Oma Gerta's Granddaughters?
Swan Lake
What is Oma Gerta"s favorite classical song?