Part of the Story What time is it? Physical Challenge Fruit Basket Super rediculiously hard questions
What is the Tame Olive Tree
This Olive Tree is the mother tree and represents the House of Isreal
What is the Second Visit or Coming of Christ
This Time Period describes all the fruit as good except for 1/2 if one of the branches
What is first one to complete the task wins
One Person
Digg it, Prune it, dung it
What is forgiveness or to take his sins away
Enos Prayed for this specifically to The Lord
Wild Shoot, insert, then apply dung and mud then wrap
Describe the action of grafting in to the mother Olive Tree
What is the World
Zeezrom describes this place specifically as the vineyard
What is Thrid Visit or the dark ages
In this time period, The master of the vineyard wanted to cut the tree down but the servant reminded him of the strength in the roots
Unwrap the startburst and feed it to your partner
Starbrust show down
Two per group
What is talk about anything by Satan Inc.
Name a spiritual Crocodile we spoke about in class
What is the branches grew faster than the roots, the lose of the true gospel
During the currupt period (Great Apostacy) God found out that the fruit was bad, but the roots good. Why did the fruit get bad so quickly
Who us The Lord and his Prophets
Other than the Olive Trees these two characters represent Master and the servant
What is first visit or before the coming of Chirst
This time period is known for the scattering of the branches in the vineyard and the grafting of the wild branches in the mother tree
First person to write the name of each person called up on the black board wins
One person per group
What is Trent Peterson, Steven Martinez and we will also accept Andrew St Clair as an answer
These two boys are part of the lost boys
What is they were spared and scattered while the withered branches were burned
Were the original branches of the mother tree scattered because of evil or because they were good? Where they the withered branches?
What is they digged it, prunned it, and dunged it.
The Master of the Vineyard and his servants did these things to help the Olive tree grow
What is first visit and the Nephites and Lamanites (Lehi's family)
This branch was sent to the good ground of the vineyard, name the time period and the groups involved
What is Best singer wins
Scripture master show down
Chose one Person to sing
What is Red
This is Brother O's favorite color
Who is Isaiah
Zezrom was a prophet second to this prophet in revelation and communications from The Lord in ancient times
What is the Atonement
The effort of digging the Olive Tree, prunning it and dunging it all represent this major act for the children of men
What is The forth visit or the Millenium (current time) and we are to gather the lost tribes as members and missionaries
Name the people responsible for gathering the lost natural branches back to the mother olive tree and in what time period
What is winner gets points
One girl per group
Musical Chairs
What is a book
In Lehi's first vision or dream, what was the given to him by the angel
What is preservation of the acient record or the golden plates to our day
Enos, not only askes for forgiveness, but he asks for one thing specifically... something for all of us today in this room.

Olive Tree Throw Down

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