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What is Genesis 39:9
Joseph resisted temptation
Who is Adam
The first one that we know
What is something worn by Adam and Eve
Fig leaves
What is the Garden of Eden
Where Adam and Eve lived
Who is Esther
Queen of the Persian Empire
What is Joshua 24:15
Choose to serve the Lord
Who is Noah
Built a large boat
What is what the Children of Israel were to look at to be healed.
Staff with a brass snake
What is Moab
The land Ruth is from, also a city in Utah
Who is Hagar
Wife of Abraham, mother of Ishmael
What is Psalm 119:105
God's word is a lamp unto my feet
Who is Abraham
Father of a multitude.
What are the 10 commandments
Stones written on by Jesus Christ
What is Nineveh
The Lord told Jonah to go here and preach repentance
Who is Hannah
Mother of the Prophet Samuel
What is Isaiah 58:13-14
The Sabbath is the Lord's holy day
Who is Jacob
A twin who was also the father of many.
What was used to bring down the wall of Jericho
What is Egypt
Where Joseph died
Who is Leah
Jacob's first wife.
What is 1 Samuel 16:7
The Lord looks on the heart
Who is Samuel
As a child he was placed in the care of Eli at the tabernacle at Shiloh
What is Aaron's rod
It became a snake, made the water into blood, later it buded, blossomed and grew almonds
What is Mt. Sinai
Where the Lord spoke to Moses from a burning bush
Who is Michal
Daughter of Saul and wife of David