Bea-Vu | Chris-linking / Chris-talline Lens | Ahmed Tube Shunt w/o Pericardial Graft | Mi-Shah-laneous | Cho-netics / Cho-lazion (not related to chalazion at all) |
What is 4.0mm and 0.8mm.
The foveola is located at what distance temporal and inferior to the optic disc. (Don't forget units!!!)
What is 400 microns.
What is the minimum corneal thickness required to perform cross-linking?
What is: OPTN.
Mutations in what gene are associated with cases of normal tension glaucoma?
What is: pleomorphic.
Which type of rhabdomyosarcoma carries the best prognosis?
What is "Auto Recessive"
What is the inheritance pattern of Macular Corneal Dystrophy?
What is outer plexiform layer
Diabetic macular edema is edema generally confined to which layer of the retina?
What is: Schirmer I.
(Does not use anesthetic)
What test measures both basal and reflex tearing?
What is: Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial
Which study showed that every 1mmHg of IOP reduction was associated with a risk reduction of 10% of glaucoma progression?
What is "Hering's Law"
Which law states that equal and simultaneous innervation runs to yoke muscles.
What is chromosome 9. (and chromosome 16, TSC2).
Inheritance: AD.
Tuberous Sclerosis is genetic disease caused by mutation on what chromosome?
What is The Diabetic Retinopathy Study (DRS)
Which study demonstrated that PRP reduced the risk of severe visual loss by 50% or more in subjects with high risk PDR? *Also defined high risk PDR.
What is Lattice corneal dystrophy.
Which corneal dystrophy has the highest rate of recurrence after PK?
What is: Collaborative Initial Glaucoma Treatment Study. (CIGTS)
Which study showed that initial medical and initial surgical therapy resulted in similar HVF outcomes after 5 years of follow up?
What is lacrimal gland.
How about ocular? ut
Most common orbital tissue to be involved by sarcoidosis?
What is: Cystathionine beta synthase.
Enzyme defects in Homocystinuria
What is Haller's layer.
What is the name of the outer choroidal layer containing the large choroidal vessels?
What is: P = A - 0.9K - 2.5L
P (IOL power) = A (IOL constant) - 0.9K (power of cornea) - 2.5L (AL of eye)
What is the SRK formula?
What is: Bimatoprost
Which glaucoma prostaglandin Rx does not need corneal esterase to be in biologically active form?
What is: Veinte
How many short posterior ciliary arteries enter around the globe? (In spanish).
What is X-linked recessive. Affects males.
(Incontinentia pigmenti X linked dominant, lethal in males.)
Norrie's disease is inherited in what manner?
What is: Schwartz-Matsuo Syndrome.
What is the name of the syndrome causing elevated IOP in the setting of a RRD?
What is Acanthomoeba.
Culture on nutrient agar with e.coli overlay helps to diagnose what?
What is: [anywhere within] 1.5-4.5 MICROliters.
What is the normal rate of aqueous humor formation in the eye? Don't forget units, people!!!
What is Halberstadter-Prowazek bodies.
What type of inclusion body (eponym/name) caps the nucleus in Chlamydia trachomatis. (No partial credit, pronunciation incredibly important).
What is "X chromosome"
L and M cone opsins are located on what chromosome?