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Who is Angie?
This Ambassador supervisor holds a BA in Music and is a board-certified Holistic Health Coach
What is Ford?
This LEED-certified building is home to the Art History, CCM, and Data Science departments--just to name a few
Who is Gianna?
This fourth semester ambassador is currently attending the Atkinson Graduate School of Management
What is the presentation room?
Perspective students attend information sessions in this part of our office
What is 1842?
Willamette was founded in this year
Who is Sue?
This life-long Oregonian not only attended Willamette, but was the first ever Admission Intern and essentially created the Ambassador program
What is the Quad?
This outdoor spot on the tour hosts several fun events each year, such as prom dress rugby and opening-days volleyball
Who is Robbie?
This swim team captain is a studio art major and calls Nevada home
Who is Hayden?
If you were looking to print the visitor schedules for next day, you would find the printed out by this person's desk
What is the SOAR center?
This student-run organization offers resources such as bearcat pantry
Who is Justin?
This OSU grad was a competitive mountain bike racer in their childhood and oversees all of our athletic recruits
What is Gatke?
This 1903 building used to be the Salem post office
Who is Lauren?
This Arizona native took 2 gap years before their first year here at Willamette
What is ring the bell?
Yay! A student deposited! The next step for them in our office is to do this action
What is Matriculation?
This ceremony takes place at the end of Opening Days and welcomes our new bearcats to campus
Who is Kaelyn?
This Admission counselor has a BA in theater and during this most recent travel season made dancing videos in each state they visited
What is the Art building?
This building contains a personal studio for each student who majors in the department it contains
Who is Brady?
You can often find this ambassador "on the stream"
What is Scarftown?
If the Intern on shift asked you to make put together boxes for admitted students, you would head to this place
What is the Gold Man?
This statue's formal name is "Oregon Pioneer" but Willamette students more frequently refer to him as this
Who is Stephanie?
This Texas native attend both UO and OSU and currently works with the parents of prospective students
What is 76 feet?
The capitol building is located this far away from Willamette's campus
Who is Amaya?
This San Diego Ambassador is an English major and loves nothing more than One Direction
What is the basement key?
If you needed to grab some extra WU swag or travel materials, you would first need to have this item behind the front desk
What is Barney?
This fluffy bearcat now goes by Blitz, but they used to go by this name