Places | The Journey | Ma'Ladys | Creature Feature | Evil |
What is Troy?
Where were Odysseus and his men returning from?
What is Beeswax?
What did Odysseus' men put in their ears while passing the sirens?
Who is Penelope?
Who was Odysseus' wife?
What is a Cyclops?
What was the creature that Odysseus blinded?
What is To keep Odysseus on her Island Forever?
What were Circe's intentions with Odysseus?
What is Ithica?
Where was Odysseus' kingdom?
What is His Fate?
What did Odysseus go down to the underworld for?
Who is Circe?
Who was the sorcerer that turned some of Odysseus' men into pigs?
What is Charybdis?
What killed the rest of Odysseus' men?
What is The crown of Ithica and all of its Riches?
What were the suitors after when they traveled to Ithica?
What is Aeolia?
What city sat atop the brass island?
What is 20-21 Years?
How long was Odysseus away from home altogether?
Who is Athene?
What goddess was in love with Odysseus?
What is True?
True or False:
Odysseus and his men made it out of Charybdis? |
What is 6?
How many of Odysseus' men were eaten by the Scylla?
What is Siren's Island?
What island did Odysseus and his men pass before passing the Scylla?
What is Staying Loyal to Odysseus/Not Giving Into the Suitors?
What was Penelope's biggest struggle while Odysseus was away?
What is 4?
How many women, that we knew of, where in love with Odysseus?
What is the Scylla?
What creature attacked Odysseus and his men on their way back from Circe's?
What is to Eat Them?
Why did Polyphemus trap Odysseus and his men in his cave?
What is Circe's Island?
What Island was Elpenor left on?
Who is Poseidon?
Who cursed Odysseus at the beginning of his journey?
What is a White Wedding Veil?
What was Penelope making to make the suitors wait?
What is the Cattle of the Sun?
What were Odysseus and his men forbid to eat on the island of the sun?
Who is King Lamus?
What king was a cannibal?