Christmas Food | Christmas Songs | By the Numbers | Biblical Christmas | Christmas Movies |
What is a carrot
Vegetable most often used as a snowman's nose
What is Jingle Bells
Original song titled : "One Horse Open Sleigh"
What is Grinch
Highest grossing holiday film
What is Bethlehem
Where baby Jesus born
What is Macy's
Miracle on 34th Street is based on this real life department store
What is a pea
Type of fruit tree gifted by true love in "12 days"
What is Silver Bells
Original song titled : "Tinkle Bells"
What is 900 homes per second
The number of homes per second Santa would need to visit to deliver gifts
What is 80 miles
The number of miles Mary and Joseph had to travel to get to Bethlehem
What is Paris
In the movie Home Alone, this is the city the McCallisters were vacationing to when they left Kevin
What is Chocolate Chip
Most popular type of cookie left out for Santa
What is Jingle Bells
Popular Christmas song that was first written for Thanksgiving
What is 1.5 Billion
The number (in billions) of Christmas cards Americans send per year
What is 1
The number of angels that spoke to the shepherds
What is Stink, Stank, Stunk
These 3 words described the Grinch in "How the Grinch Stole Christmas"
What is Sugar Plums
Candy that danced in Kid's heads in "Twas the Night Before Christmas"
What is "Chestnuts Roasting over an Open Fire"
Famous line from "The Christmas Song"
What is 1190 gallons
The largest cup of Hot Cocoa achieved in California, Unites States.
Who is King Herod
The one trying to Kill Baby Jesus
What is an angel gets its wings
In "It's a wonderful life", this happened every time a bell rang
What is honey or molasses
One of the 2 ingredients used as sweetener in gingerbread
What is "The Chipmunk Song"
"Christmas Don't be Late" sung by trio of animals
What is 364 gifts
Number of gifts given in the 12 Days of Christmas
Who is Isaiah
The prophet who foretold a virgin shall give birth to a son called Immanuel
Who is Randy
In "A Christmas Story", Ralphie's little brothers name