Oceans | Oceans, continued | Physical Features of the Ocean | Types of Rocks | Plates and Layers of the Earth |
The ocean covers how much of the Earth?
temperature and the amount of light
As the depth of the ocean increases, __________________ decreases.
The deepest parts of the ocean are __________________.
Sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous
Three types if rock are __________________, __________________, and __________________.
4.6 billion years old
Scientific evidence indicates the Earth is how old?
Continental shelf
The shallow parts of the ocean floor at the edges of the continents makes up the __________________.
The Gulf Stream
An ocean current which carries warm water from the equator to Europe is __________________.
It is mostly the pull of the moon's gravity that causes __________________.
When molten rock or magma cools below the Earth's surface or cools after erupting from a volcana as lava, this type of rock is formed.
The Rock Cycle
The Earth's surface is constantly changing due to heat and pressure withing the Earth and weathering and erosion at the surface. These processes constantly change rock from one type to another in a cycle called __________________.
The salinity of the ocean varies. What does salinity mean?
What is continental shelf.
The greatest variety of ocean life is in the shallowest part of the ocean, above the __________________.
Mid-ocean ridges
Underwater mountains caused by plate movements are __________________.
Over a period of time, layers of sediment are pressed together to for these types of rocks.
inner and outer core.
The two layers of the Earth that are composed mostly of rocky material are __________________.
ocean currents
Wind patterns and different water densities cause __________________.
These tiny plant-like organism produce much of the Earth's oxygen and serve as the basis of the ocean ecosystem. What are they?
metamorphic rocks
Rocks formed from other types of rocks by intense heat and pressure deep withing the Earth are called __________________.
Most earthquakes and volcanoes are located at the boundary of plates, called __________________.
water pressure
As the depth of the ocean increases, what else increases?
on the ocean's surface
Phytoplankton, like other plants, need sunlight for photosynthesis, and therefore live where?
Sedimentary rocks often contain these remains of organisms, called __________________, which tell us a lot about lfie and Earth in the past.
plates; plate movements
Heat energy causes movement of material within the Earth. Large, continent-sized blocks that move slowly about due to this heat energy are called __________________. Mountain ranges, including the Appalachian mountains, mid-ocean ridges and trenches are