Invertebrates | Fish | Ocean Mammals | Currents | Miscellaneous |
What animal has 8 arms and a beak for a mouth?
Manta Ray
This fish has huge winglike fins.
Blue Whale
The largest animal that has ever lived.
By wind
How are ocean currents primarily moved?
Sand is formed.
What happens when waves hit against rocks and minerals over time?
What animal is shaped like a bell or bowl and can sting?
This fish leaves the ocean and swims upstream to lay its eggs.
Beluga Whale
The only white whale.
The Gulf Stream
What current brings warm water to England?
What is the study of the sea or ocean called?
It squirts a blob of ink.
How does a squid distract its enemies?
This fish is caught for its meat and for the oil that is in its liver.
Dolphins have pointed noses and porpoises have blunt heads.
The main difference between dolphins and porpoises.
True or False:
Ocean currents carry only warm water. |
It contains salt.
Why is seawater denser than fresh water?
Portuguese Man of War
A common but deadly jellyfish.
They have huge mouths and sharp teeth.
What is unique about fish that live deep in the ocean?
Sperm Whale
This whale was hunted for its oil and ambergis.
True or False:
A knowledge of ocean currents helps make sea travel quicker. |
28.5 degrees F
What temperature does seawater freeze at?
Jet propulsion
The process by which an octopus or squid moves throughout the water is called __________ ____________________.
Fish are able to get oxygen from the water with their ____________________.
A hard but flexible substance like fingernails that some whales have in their mouths.
True or False:
Matthew Maury, who made many important discoveries about currents, used messages in a bottle to perform his experiments. |
The Pacific.
The Mariana trench is the deepest known spot in the ocean. Which ocean is it located in?