Sensory | OT's Scope | Sensory Activities | RDI and OT | Random Facts |
Vestibular ax examples: swinging, biking, log rolls, etc
Vestibular input is when you seek out deep pressure activities such as; ball squishes, crashing into cushions, playing with putty, etc- TRUE or FALSE?
Self cares, Fine motor, Sensory, Gross motor, social emotional regulation, IADL's (shopping, money management, using a phone, etc).
Name one category within an OT's scope.
Proprioception (pressure w. bouncing), Vestibular (movement component), Tactile (feeling of ball), some examples.
DPB and TPB are both bouncing on a therapy ball, which sensory system is being activated? (Naming 1 counts)
Co-reg, Apprenticeship, Self, Flexible Thinking.
Name one area of RDI that relates to OT?
AOTA stands for American Occupational Therapy Association? TRUE or FALSE?
DPB is stomping his feet, hugging his brother and wearing his shoes on the wrong feet, what sensory system is he seeking input?
Interoception awareness and writing are within an OT's domain.
Interoception awareness, speech production, reading and writing are all involved in OT, TRUE or FALSE?
GG felt like riding a bike around DC's parking lot, this mainly focuses on which sensory system?
Interoception, breath, strength and endurance, large motor activities, tension release, Alert program, Brain gym, etc.
What activities do we utilize within DC's program to promote body-based awareness? (name one)
It became a profession in 1917, sorry :) it was officially established in 1920.
Occupational therapy became a profession in 1918, TRUE or FALSE?
Visual motor (hand eye coordination with copying) and fine motor skills with drawing.
MR is copying his favorite Pokemon from a model displayed on the computer. What sensory system is he utilizing?
Fine motor is intrinsic (think of hands) while gross motor involves large movements of the body (think of sports, yoga, jumping).
What is the difference between fine and gross motor?
SS is having a grand ol time with shaving cream, which system is being targeted?
1. Motor planning, 2. Breath, 3. Strength, 4. Balance, 5. Endurance, 6. Relaxation, 7. Body awareness, etc.
We utilize yoga often within DC's program, what does yoga promote while participating? (Name 3)
In 1994, The United States army decided to create training courses for Occupational Therapy Assistants (COTAs), TRUE or FALSE?
Sensory diet promotes regulating activities throughout the client's day to either increase their engine or decrease. Sensory defensiveness is when an individual does not correspond to the input being received.
What is the difference between a sensory diet and sensory defensiveness?
Self-care activities such as dressing, brushing teeth, shoes, socks, washing hands, clipping nails, bathing, etc.
Give an example of an ADL in occupational therapy.
Auditory (song), Vestibular (spinning, log rolls, somersaults), Proprioception input (crashing).
GK and MK are dancing to the "Pirate Song" and they are spinning in circles. They are also crashing into cushions and doing somersaults AND log rolls, what systems are activated? (3 answers)
1. Co-reg, 2. Apprenticeship, 3. Self, 4. Flexible Thinking.
What 4 RDI core areas did I discuss relating to OT?
COTA/L= Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant, Licensed. OTR/L= Occupational Therapist, Registered and Licensed.
In order to become a COTA/L you must pass your boards exam, seek licensure and become registered, TRUE or FALSE?
Tactile (Texture on floor when a baby crawls), Vestibular (learning movement- crawling), Proprioception (body awareness on the floor, feeling muscles move during crawling)
Williams & Shellenberger (1996) Pyramid of Learning
What are the 3 pillars or sensory terms that are first in the Pyramid of learning?
Name the 7 sensory systems.
Proprioception, Vestibular, Tactile/Touch, Taste, Smell, Vision, Auditory.
Name the 7 sensory systems I addressed in the power point.
Vestibular (the Chi machine), auditory (favorite song), Tactile (putty), Taste/Oral motor (gum).
DC is on the chi machine and he's chewing gum. He is also listening to "Hey Brother" and he has some resistant putty in his hands, Which systems are working together? (4 answers)
1. Body-Based Awareness, 2. Large Motor/Praxis, 3. Brain Gym, 4. Yoga.
Think of DC's RDI Core Deficits of Autism Chart, What 4 areas are included under "Other Developmental Focus Areas" that relate to OT?
1. Hospitals 2. Outpatient clinics 3. Schools 4. Long Term care facilities
Name 3 settings that you would see an OT/COTA work at?